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19/11/2017 Temperature drop
Hearing rain overnight, I thought it would be a cool start to the day. But several hours later and the sun was making a comeback, although the water temperature wasn't! A cool 17.7 greeted swimmers as they arrived....brrrrr! Coffee before swim, seemed like a good idea Loved this T-shirt this... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2017 at Pacific Jules
20/08/2017 Lost camera in the bay
Yes, that's right. Today's blog had the potential to be a gold star, award winning blog. It had everything - beautiful sunrises, fantastic wave action, happy smiling swimmers, perhaps a couple of dolphins, a whale and a photo scoop or two....but I lost my camera, mid swim, complete with most... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2017 at Pacific Jules
19/02/2017 A cooler start to the day
Checking the weather app on the way to the swim stated there was a 60% chance of rain. Thankfully the rain held off for the 350 swimmers. Lots of comments were made about the decrease in water temperature though! Concerns from the crowd regarding the cool 20.6, compared to recent... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2017 at Pacific Jules
25/12/2016 It's Christmas time!
Merry Christmas from the Bold and Beautiful. 450 merry B&B'ers turned up today, to share their Christmas morning swimming side by side. Rather than waffle on, I'll let the photos and the happy smiles do the talking. Shaun -I promised the blog would be about you today....but I'm going to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2016 at Pacific Jules
I get all the latest news .... ;-)
27/11/2016 The blog with no title
Yep that right! There's no title today. Lainey asked me at breakfast what I would be calling the blog today and agreed that sometimes it's even hard to come up with a title! We had a cracking 280 swimmers today, of which 18 were new and John Bond confirmed the water temperature as a balmy 21.1 d...
27/11/2016 The blog with no title
Yep that right! There's no title today. Lainey asked me at breakfast what I would be calling the blog today and agreed that sometimes it's even hard to come up with a title! We had a cracking 280 swimmers today, of which 18 were new and John Bond confirmed the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2016 at Pacific Jules
30/10/2016 Roll up roll up
Well hello and welcome to the Sunday blog! Let's get the grown up bits out of the way first .....I know my fellow bloggers over the last couple of days have been confusing you with the date of the next B&B dinner, well I can confirm its on Tuesday 8... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2016 at Pacific Jules
Thank you !!!
25/09/2016 Back in the swim game / lane
I must admit getting up this morning and hearing the rain, didn't exactly fill me with excitement! Fast forward to after the swim and I'm smiling and saying "That was great!" I aimed for the 6:30 am swim, BUT the beach parking was full! Despite the rain, newbie Erin joins us from Canada for...
Oh bless you (re Jimbles) I was very happy not to see any!
25/09/2016 Back in the swim game / lane
I must admit getting up this morning and hearing the rain, didn't exactly fill me with excitement! Fast forward to after the swim and I'm smiling and saying "That was great!" I aimed for the 6:30 am swim, BUT the beach parking was full! Despite the rain, newbie Erin joins us from Canada for...
Seriously didnt spot it until I checked after!!!
25/09/2016 Back in the swim game / lane
I must admit getting up this morning and hearing the rain, didn't exactly fill me with excitement! Fast forward to after the swim and I'm smiling and saying "That was great!" I aimed for the 6:30 am swim, BUT the beach parking was full! Despite the rain, newbie Erin joins us from Canada for...
I swear I didnt spot it until I downloaded the photos after the swim!
25/09/2016 Back in the swim game / lane
I must admit getting up this morning and hearing the rain, didn't exactly fill me with excitement! Fast forward to after the swim and I'm smiling and saying "That was great!" I aimed for the 6:30 am swim, BUT the beach parking was full! Despite the rain, newbie Erin joins us from Canada for...
25/09/2016 Back in the swim game / lane
I must admit getting up this morning and hearing the rain, didn't exactly fill me with excitement! Fast forward to after the swim and I'm smiling and saying "That was great!" I aimed for the 6:30 am swim, BUT the beach parking was full! Despite the rain, newbie Erin joins... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2016 at Pacific Jules
07/08/2016 Wet'n'wild turns to meek'n'mild
All week we've been battling with the wind and the rain so it was a pleasant surprise to arrive at B&B HQ to warm and mild weather. The water temperature is a barmy 18.7 today. Meek swimmers we are not! Shelley decided to 'do a triple' today. The 6;30am 'ers... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2016 at Pacific Jules
26/06/2016 I cant believe the temperature has dropped! (+Part 2)
Brrrrr! I'm talking about the air temperature! Soooo cooool down at B&B Central this morning. The good news is that the water temperature had crept back up from 16.3 to a balmy 18.1. Still not enough for me to jump in today. Plenty of swimmers turned up for a dip... Continue reading
Posted Jun 25, 2016 at Pacific Jules
Hmmm - looking forward to blogging and the cold tomorrow!!!
Sophia’s freezing for a reason!
As silly as it might seem on this terribly cold winter’s day, there were 230 swimmers flinging themselves in to the 16.3 degree water this morning! A stunning pre-dawn sky over a weedy beach greeted us this morning. Now here is Sophia. She is freezing because she wants to add the Cold & B...
You are so right LSA - you badgered Lips into it!
Best to not let facts get in the way of a great story!!!
29/05/2016 Introducing your Sunday blog team
Sunday sees a gorgeous sunrise, flat calm warm waters, the A team in training and the Bold & Beautiful swim...of course! I haven't been down for a while, so I was particularly happy to be met with near perfect conditions. Today, I thought I would introduce you to the Sunday blog team - we've b...
29/05/2016 Introducing your Sunday blog team
Sunday sees a gorgeous sunrise, flat calm warm waters, the A team in training and the Bold & Beautiful swim...of course! I haven't been down for a while, so I was particularly happy to be met with near perfect conditions. Today, I thought I would introduce you to the Sunday... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2016 at Pacific Jules
27/03/2016 Happy Easter
Happy Easter from the Bold & Beautiful! Plenty of Easter bunnies turned up for a swim! A lovely Newsy bit at the bottom: B&B Swim School is Back Join Pacific Jules Coach Sarah Anne for an hour at Shelley Beach to learn the essentials of how to breath in your... Continue reading
Posted Mar 26, 2016 at Pacific Jules
22/11/2015 no mean FEET
Ok maybe they aren't a mean pair of feet, I mean who has mean feet?!?! Ok this IS a mean feat, on 31 October 2015, one of our swimmers Brendan Maher, thought it would be a good idea to swim from Palm Beach To Manly! As you do..... Here's his... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2015 at Pacific Jules
25/10/2015 quick swim before the day really starts
A quick view of our swim today, apologies for the delay I had to head off on the bike straight after. Pretty in pink .....Petra was pretty upset with last nights Rugby result. A few waves for the way in What's going on here? A lovely tonal group lilac through... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2015 at Pacific Jules
09/08/15 the month of the lions
August celebrates the month of the lions, and peeling back the layers at B&B Central, you will find that a good percentage of our bloggers are the Sun star sign, Leos. Checking on the reliable 'Interweb' I found that Leos are typically kind and big hearted, energetic, optimistic, straightforward, loyal,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2015 at Pacific Jules
09/08/15 the month of the lions
August celebrates the month of the lions, and peeling back the layers at B&B Central, you will find that a good percentage of our bloggers are the Sun star sign, Leos. Checking on the reliable 'Interweb' I found that Leos are typically kind and big hearted, energetic, optimistic, straightforward, loyal,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2015 at Pacific Jules
02/08/2015 cracking swim
We had everything today, swimmers (all 160 of you), sun (12 degrees at 7am), warm water (17.7), newbies (welcome 6 new swimmers), cuttlefish, a birthday, a unicorn, and a bike....... .......and I didn't see any of these. Which, I for one, was very happy about! Smiling faces before our swim.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2015 at Pacific Jules
05/07/2015 bikini weather it ain't
Picture yourself in the northern hemisphere, sun beating down, you are actually in France, probably sipping champagne, and contemplating shopping. It's 1946 and on this day in history the bikini goes on sale after debuting during an outdoor fashion show at the Molitor Pool in Paris, France. Today back at... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2015 at Pacific Jules
26/10/2014 I'm back :-)
Yes, that's right after a short interlude (let's call it two months) out of the water, I got to experience once again Cabbage Tree Bay and all it's beauty -that's you lot! The Bold & Beautiful swim group! My first photo of the day, of a beautiful flower which greeted... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2014 at Pacific Jules
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