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Sharon Frost
Artist/yogi with a husband and (someday) a cat who is determinedly working toward fluency in Castellano.
Interests: Art, photography, Spanish language studies and travel to Spanish speaking places, yoga. Also: movies, books, music, baseball.
Recent Activity
Al audiologo de Stephen. Linea F en Brooklyn. 9 de julio, 2021. Las tatuajes. (To Stephen’s audiologist. F train in Brooklyn. The tattoos.) 3 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft... Continue reading
Tres tipos de vidrio; espejo de magnificacion, ventana, gafas de lectura. (Three types of glass: magnifying mirror, window, reading glasses.) 7 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine notebook.#sharkway #mirrors #sharkway #glass #coronavirus Continue reading
(Stephen’s ear: Earlens) 14 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine soft cover notebook. #stephen #ears #earlens #anatomy Continue reading
(Spring on the Sharkway. The void in the garden, 71OP) 7 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine notebook. #sharkway #brooklyn #71OP #gardens Continue reading
(F ( F train in Brooklyn. To the audiologist. Fresh. The subway is the lifeblood of NYC.) 3 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #ftrain #subways #audiology Continue reading
(Everything is green on the Sharkway, including the light. Brooklyn.) 7 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine notebook. #sharkway #71OP #trees Continue reading
(Partying in Brooklyn, on the G train.) 3 1/2 x 11 in double page spread, watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillmanandbirn soft cover Epsilon. #subways #passengers #gtrain #stillmanandbirn Continue reading
En el Sharkway, Brooklyn. En mi estudio. (From side to side with my new eyes. In my studio) 7 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine soft cover notebook. #sharonfrost #moleskine #interiors #artistsstudios #selfportraits Continue reading
Palitos chinos — reemplaza de hombro (para Jen) 1 de mayo, 2021. (Pick up sticks — shoulder replacement.) 8 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn soft cover Epsilon. #notebooks #stillmanandbirn #anatomy #bones Continue reading
La primavera en el Sharkway, Brooklyn. (April is the cruelest month, the month of obituaries. Spring on the Sharkway, Brooklyn.) 8 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #sharkway #71OP... Continue reading
3 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn soft cover. #subways #gtrain #brooklyn Continue reading
(Waiting room, NYU Langone, Trinity) 7 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine notebook. #waiting rooms #NYUlangone #examroom Continue reading
(On the F train in Brooklyn, on the way to my annual physical.) 7 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine notebook. #subways #ftrain #brooklyn Continue reading
El Sharkway en Tiempo de Coronavirus. (Blood pressure cuff at my side, ready.) 14 1/2 x 15 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Moleskine notebook. #sandals #stilllife #sharkway #coronavirus Continue reading
(Anxiety on the F train in the Age of Coronavirus.) 3 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #ftrain #coronavirus #brooklyn Continue reading
(Spring on the Sharkway in the Age of Coronavirus. Skull, baseball, dry flowers.) 8 1/2 x 11 double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon Soft cover. #stilllife #mementomori #skulls #sharkway Continue reading
Día 365 de Cuarentena. (There are buds on the trees on the Sharkway) 8 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #sharkway #coronavirus Continue reading
El juicio de Derek Chauvin y la libertad de la Ever Given. Cuarentena Día 261. 8 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #coronavirus #sharkway #georgefloyd Continue reading
La vida en el Sharkway en Tiempo de Coronavirus. Se dice sedición. (Everything is scattered in Brooklyn. Life on the Sharkway in the Age of Coronavirus. It's called Sedition.) 8 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever... Continue reading
Vencida para el corte de pelo. (Sketch for a haircut with pencil sharpener. Overdue for the haircut.) 8 1/2 x 5 1/2 double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #haircut #smarthairstudio #selfportrait Continue reading
(Taxes. I want to breathe on the Sharkway in the cage) 8 1/2 x 11 in double page spread; watercolor, ink, whatever, on Stillman and Birn Epsilon soft cover. #sharkway #anatomy #lungs #ribcage #skeleton Continue reading