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Indian ideas of art contain a large collection of paintings by Indian artists art. Original paintings in various media such as oil painting, watercolor painting, acrylic painting etc are available in various styles such as abstract paintings, landscape paintings, figurative paintings to fine art etc. of older artists and upcoming talented artists as part of our art collection. Grown in order to promote Indian art our contemporary Chinese art house art gallery, modern art, folk art and tribal art and as art services place where the artist, young Indian art collectors, art galleries, dealers can interact freely with each other You can use our interactive messaging system to share, to buy and sell art young collectors the finest art for free! Browse and buy art from the collection of Chinese paintings, sculptures, prints, photographs in our online art gallery. Prices are all inclusive and global shipping is free! Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Shawbros Art Page
Work on the stage since 1889 to the end and life as a professional actor Ivan niewody Karpovych Tobilevych (Karpenko-Karyy) creates a unique set of landscape images, as are used by treasure created by him everyday realistic theater, and from conditions of modern education Teatry . His was a theater-range wide spectrum - from the lively comedy (Martyn Borulya, Tereshko Surma, Prokip Shkurat) to heroic and romantic images (Nazar Stodolya). Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Shawbros Art Page
Bortnyansky was the first composer in the Russian Empire, musical compositions, which had been entered. Because of the St. Petersburg courtier Bortnyansky choir achieved a high level. Under his direction the choir Bortnyansky many instrumental compositions was written, the French opera libretto "Falcon" (1786), "Are Rival" (1787), pastoral comedy, "Signor's Holiday" (1786) and others. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Shawbros Art Page
Many wonder, and rightly so, if it is necessary to learn painting learn to draw. The answer is that if necessary, and even some would say indispensable. The charcoal pencil is the most recommended for kids because they enhance the drawing and allows better stroke also is not difficult to achieve. A good exercise for all those just learning the secrets of the paintings is to make lines vertical, horizontal and diagonal without removing the stylus from the surface. This exercise should be performed using the whole arm and not just moving your wrist. In the paintings one must have consistency in sizes, for which visual education necessary to distinguish different proportions of objects drawn, especially if they are portraits of the human body. One of the most important painting is the use of color. No matter what type of technique or style is used, color can make a difference if used properly. Colors can convey much more than we think, even every color has several shades. Another good exercise is to mix colors to obtain compounds with greater or lesser extent. Through the basic colors, blue, red and yellow can get a lot of colors and a multitude of hues. A simple way is to start in the paint with watercolors, the only drawback is that it is almost impossible to correct the errors because this style is very transparent and could modify the original color. A well-developed water color can become a true work of art. It is undeniable that watercolor is not seen as the oils but this does not mean lower quality work if done with professionalism. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Shawbros Art Page
Many wonder, and rightly so, if it is necessary to learn painting learn to draw. The answer is that if necessary, and even some would say indispensable. The charcoal pencil is the most recommended for kids because they enhance the drawing and allows better stroke also is not difficult to achieve. A good exercise for all those just learning the secrets of the paintings is to make lines vertical, horizontal and diagonal without removing the stylus from the surface. This exercise should be performed using the whole arm and not just moving your wrist. In the paintings one must have consistency in sizes, for which visual education necessary to distinguish different proportions of objects drawn, especially if they are portraits of the human body. One of the most important painting is the use of color. No matter what type of technique or style is used, color can make a difference if used properly. Colors can convey much more than we think, even every color has several shades. Another good exercise is to mix colors to obtain compounds with greater or lesser extent. Through the basic colors, blue, red and yellow can get a lot of colors and a multitude of hues. A simple way is to start in the paint with watercolors, the only drawback is that it is almost impossible to correct the errors because this style is very transparent and could modify the original color. A well-developed water color can become a true work of art. It is undeniable that watercolor is not seen as the oils but this does not mean lower quality work if done with professionalism. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2011 at Shawbros Art Page
Johny Manville at first wanted to study architecture. Yet he realized that he was more interested in art. His father wrote him a letter saying that to be happy and successful he must give to others rather than doing mainly for himself. This caused him to realize that he should use his talents to inspire people to lead fuller and happier lives. Johny realized that he could use his talents to inspire children through writing children’s books. Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2011 at Shawbros Art Page
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Feb 7, 2011