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Sheila Steinberg
Recent Activity
Just my guess, but take a look at the fashion of the 1920s. The ideal woman had a flat chest and no hips. The film industry also started having a bigger influence on the public, and films have never been as glamorous as they were in the 1930s. Those things probably had a big effect on creating a market for fad diets.
Fad Diet Fun Facts: Part Deux
A couple of weeks ago I posted a list of some early fad diets. Apparently you all liked it. So here's the sequel. We'll call it Fad Diets: The Middle Years. 1903 Fletcherizing. Named for Horace Fletcher, the San Francisco art dealer turned nutritionist. As the story goes, Fletcher was denied hea...
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Feb 15, 2010
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Feb 15, 2010
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