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Integrity-Based Communications
Cordova, TN
Loving on Purpose, Valentine's Day and Beyond Saturday, February 4, 2017, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Memphis Tennessee The relationship you are seeking is seeking you. "Loving on Purpose" is the perfect Valentine gift for the one you love. Or a gift to yourself to better understand what it is you are seeking, that it may be drawn into your life. Whether you're in a terrific relationship, seeking to attract the right partner, or want to make loving relationships better, join us for a journey to communicate more clearly, translate the meaning of your values, and balance to align your goals accordingly. Module 1: Communicate with Integrity Learn and practice the six behaviors of Integrity-Based Communications to integrate thought, word, attitude and action. Use this model for teaching expectations, giving and receiving effective feedback/evaluations and holding one another accountable for agreements and outcomes. Reduce stress, manage time efficiently, and build high-trust, loving relationships...with yourself and others. Module 2: Clarify Your Values Clarify, prioritize, and “make meaning” (behavioral expectations) for the top six values in your personal, loving “relationship of choice.” Learn to define and communicate what drives you to achieve or retreat, in an empowering self-discovery exercise of intentional presence, deep listening, and understanding. Raise self-awareness and communicate more clearly, confidently, and authentically. Module 3: Learn to Live a Balanced Life Is this even possible with all the busy-ness our lives contain? Start by taking an honest, introspective snapshot of your life balance in nine life domains: body, mind, spirituality, romance, family, community, career, money, and play. Leave with a nine-step action plan to get you closer to where you want to be, with a tool to self-assess regularly. Sharing goals is optional; sharing your goals with the ones you love is recommended. Prioritize, align, and affirm your goals, values, and daily activities. Workshop includes workbook, Shelley's book, Integrity-Based Communications, and tools to help you connect at a deeper level of loving, understanding, and respect. Saturday, February 4, 2017, 9:00-1:00 a.m. For more information, call or text Shelley Baur, 901.340.7517. Or email [email protected]. Shelley Page Baur, author, workshop facilitator Organizer of Loving on Purpose, Valentine's Day and Beyond Bringing a passion for purpose to her workshops and coaching sessions, Shelley says, "You might say that 'loving on purpose' is a clear and present focus of mine. It wasn’t always so, but I’ve learned a lot over the years, and I’m willing to share what I’ve learned on the journey from pain to purpose. "For my life to change and be transformed, I had to take personal responsibility for my attitudes, beliefs and behaviors. "It led to my life’s purpose and passion to walk with, guide, and coach others who are ready to move into a life of mission and purpose." For the past 17 years Shelley has been married to the love of her life, John, and is "bonus Mom" to Christa (New York) and Jim (Chicago). Shelley Page Baur has taught values-based leadership skills at Federal Express, Medtronic, ServiceMaster, MicroPort, Grupo IMSA and other organizations over the past 20 years. "I live for the break-throughs, empowering people to realize their potential," Shelley says. Foundational to every program, Shelley teaches her six-behavior model for building inclusive, high-trust teams, based on her book, Integrity-Based Communications. To learn more, please visit Shelley's website,
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