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Shelley White
Recent Activity
Ah Jessie and her "sticks" ("trees" are more like it!)...She'd carry a giant redwood around if she could! Man, I love that dog...
Just For Fun!
Sometimes (hopefully not too often) I forget to just go out and have some fun with the dogs. Usually if I'm tracking too much, doing too much obedience and too much post work etc that means it's time to relax and let the hounds chase some sticks. Lately I've been experiencing that "let's get a...
LOL! Sounds about right, although at least he found it! Most of your other lost equipment doesn't have that same boomerang quality!
Where's my equipment?
Does anyone else out there have an extremely hard time holding onto their equipment? Where does it all go? After leaving Calgary the other day to come home after training I get a call from a friend who asked me if I left a water bucket along the side of some country road. Well of course I did...
Ummm...I'm pretty sure you waaaay undershot here...fuel alone is waaaay more than that and your equipment estimate is way low too..i still love you though;)
I've Done Something Awful!
OK it may be best for my wonderful spouse to skip reading this post! As a matter of fact if anyone has a spouse that may be unaware of what this sport costs us it may be best to keep them away from these figues as well! The other day while spending some cash on dog food I started to think about...
I LOVE this post! The former Psychology major in me found it so interesting, and well articulated...Great job!
Oh Maslow you Maniac
Not unlike many other people I wish my I would have applied myself in university a wee bit more. My thoughts were kind of like this; beer-girls-beer-girls-oh oh exam-beer-girls-etc etc... However through these "difficult times" I remember studying about some guy named Abraham Maslow. Many y...
Real proud of you Wes - this is really fun to read...Especially the last question, your humour shines through on that one! Gabi is so well spoken, and has so many interesting insights - almost makes me want to become a schutzhund devotee too...Don't get your hopes up though! I'll probably stick to being the assistant/cheerleader!
Gabi Hoffmann Part II - Training and the WUSV
Photo courtesy of Gabi Hoffmann Gabi & Yoshy, WUSV 2009, Germany DSB: I believe you've been to the worlds twice now. What are some of your best memories? GH: Actually I have been to the worlds three times now – my first time was in 2008 in the USA, then 2009 in Germany and 2010 in Spain. ...
I vote Spain, all the way! does Italy stack up in the Schutzhund world? Could we make that work?
Dog Training Mecca? My search continues (starts)
OK not that I'm saying Edmonton isn't a utopian vision of a place to train dogs.... Hold on that IS what I'm saying! I'm trying to think of places I'd take the family and hounds to immediately after winning the lottery. I think it could be safely said that in Canada the west coast has some go...
Fancy schmancy equipment! You must have made Santa's "Nice" list ;)
Time to train-the turkey is all gone!
X-mas has come and gone, boxing day has passed without having to go to any malls :) No news years resolution is needed to get this guy out training. It was such a nice weather day (notice the t-shirt in the pics) Igor and I had a little discussion and decided to try out the new targeting sleev...
Always all about the beer ;)
Alberta Schutzhund Association
Well I gotta say I am pretty pumped about a keen group of dog trainers at our club. We have a group that is generally fairly new to the sport, but more than makes up for it with great attitudes and work ethic. I'm hoping we can all have a lot of success and some fun times in the new year. We'...
Ummmm...really? You jackass!
Tis the season to be social?
Tis the season to be social (except for my dogs) Ok hold on they can be social but not fawned all over. Unless it is by these three;) On a more serious note, I let my hounds socialize with other people, but I do not ever want my dogs to be petted etc by other people. My kind training pals a...
Looking forward to "following" you...Love Shell
What is this thing called a Dog Sport Blog?
Do I know what this blog is going to be about? Kind of - Not really. It will be about all aspects of dog training regarding protection dog sports. It will not be about rover relaxing on the couch while having a nice relaxing lick of his nether regions. We shall dabble in the deepest darkest r...
GAH! How could you post a preggo picture of me! I may never forgive you! Otherwise, very cute post and cute pic of E...
The Crew
Where would most of us be without the support of our families? I know I can spend a LOT of time with my furry friends (I mean the ones with four legs!) It's always nice to come home after training and have some time with the gang. And without further adieu here they are.... The Girls (Picture...
Shelley White is now following Wes
Dec 19, 2010
Shelley White is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 19, 2010
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