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@David Cartier
"Linden Lab no longer has a physical presence within the European Union and I seem to recall that Linden Research is a Delaware corporation, so, except for those physically within an EU nation, I don't believe the majority of SL business owners need to worry at all about compliance with these particular EU regulations."
However, they still have to abide by EU laws - I get charged 20% VAT (think sales tax) on my membership and tier payments simply because I live in the EU. With it's various cases against Google and Microsoft - it's not a stretch to believe the EU might decide that Linden Lab is responsible especially as data stored in scripts in greeters is on Linden servers.
Ultimately, I think it will mean that the greeters that add you to a mail list without a choice in the matter will disappear and to be on the safe side, it took me 10 minutes to add a "Privacy Policy" for our venue covering the regulations.
Upcoming EU Internet Regulations May Have Drastic Impact on 3rd Party Developers in Second Life & Other Virtual Worlds
This is a very important post from Casper Tech, a Europe-based developer of Second Life content (vendors, in this case), pointing out that the EU is putting the General Data Protection Regulation into effect next month. And while the law might seem to target major companies like Facebook and G...
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Apr 19, 2018
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