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Sherri Connelly
Recent Activity
I had the great honor of working with Tom for 3yrs. Tom was a constant source of both information, as well as fun. Always laughing, and always willing to teach others. He will be missed. Pennie I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless you and hope you can find the strength in friends and family during this tough time
Thomas Matthews
THOMAS MATTHEWS, 43 Verizon Lakeland – Thomas Matthews, 43, passed away of heart failure on Friday, September 30, 2011. Born March 4, 1968 in Johnson City, New York, Mr. Matthews moved to Lakeland in 2000. He was employed by Verizon as a network administrator. Mr. Matthews is survived by hi...
Sherri Connelly is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 4, 2011
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