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Sherry Dobreski
Recent Activity
Hi Connie, I loveLoveLOVE all of your cards they are so sweet! ...but... I am particularly drawn to your collage! I can see that you've used a bunch of stamp sets to make it ... and! Can I ask you, what stamp set did that little girl come from?
Toggle Commented Feb 15, 2017 on Happy Valentine's Day at Connie's blog
Connie I am so saddened by your loss.. Robbie sounded like such a wonderful son, brother and friend.. How wonderful that you were able to travel to his tournaments to share in something that brought him such joy.. and how Blessed to have had him move back in with you and enjoy every day that you could with him! God is good! My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family..and I too would like to say Thank You for sharing the beautiful life of a young man gone too soon.
Toggle Commented Nov 19, 2013 on A Wonderful Son, Remembered at Connie's blog
Sherry Dobreski is now following Connie Collins
May 5, 2013
Sherry Dobreski is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 9, 2011