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oh kristin. my heart is aching for you as i read this. sending hugs your way. xo.
all my love
this weekend, i put on a saks fifth avenue suit (tags freshly cut off), placed a cherished rosary in the jacket pocket, a manhattan in my hand and surrounded myself with an enormous amount of family — in both laughter and tears..... for nonnie (below, far right)... we'll miss her tremendously....
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Mar 15, 2010
i love. love love. i want the whole series on my wall. in the kitchen. love. (and suddenly regretting that i bought the yellow ones. must go back for more.)
A study
March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 9
ok, i did it. i made the pie and i took it to the pot luck and everybody agreed that it fully deserved the name. delicious!
in the end, i used this version of the recipe which is slightly different from the one you linked to. my only adjustment was to the baking time - the recipe calls for baking 25 minutes and i baked much closer to an hour because the center just seemed too runny. however, the pie set up completely in the fridge, and next time i will reduce my baking time (though i'll still bake longer than the 25 minutes called for) and trust that the filling will set fully in the fridge - which i think will make for an even more velvety pie.
a must make. thanks again for the introduction to the recipe!
The Magic Brush
I am getting closer to finishing eMailorder #11 (a bookmaking project that has 14 recipes for Potions and Concoctions of the healthy, medicinal, and beauty variety) and it's taking me forever. I think you all will really like it. It comes with a cheat-sheet and labels to cut out and use. As I ...
something we love to do. i have a batch frozen right now - waiting for next week to make some matzoh balls and eat it up!
make chicken soup
I know by the look of this photo it doesn't seem like our cupboard is bare, but trust me when I say we are down to the bottom of the barrel around here. Luckily payday is right around the corner and we can stock up on more fruits and veggies. Homemade bread has really saved us around here l...
my muffins were a hit!?! yay. so thrilled to know that. (we ate them this morning too, and thought of you, of course. thank you for that.) i love your candle tradition, too. i'm thinking about how i can bring a little bit of candle light into our life between now and the start of our festival of lights - in some meaningful way.
happy thanksgiving grace! xoxo.
Images from Thanksgiving morning
I really almost didn't post tonight. I was so close to letting myself off the hook. But ... I committed to doing NaBloPoMo, and I'm going to finish it, rain or shine. Holiday or no. ;) I didn't think I really had anything much to say or share tonight, but I uploaded the handful of photos off my ...
yes yes yes yes yes yes yes. xo.
lessons from the landscape
Sometimes I wish I had it all figured out. That I'd learned all of life's lessons so that I didn't need to be taught anymore. I wish my well of patience was overflowing and that when faced with annoyances, stresses, messes, unwelcome news, I could handle it with more grace and calm. Yesterday m...
grace! these are be-autiful. thank you for the directions - i think we'll make these for the solstice. xo.
Our Martinmas -- and lantern tutorial
We celebrated a beautiful Martinmas last night with a group of homeschooling friends. There were moments that were so quiet and reverent, looking around the circle of us singing together, and there were moments that were rowdy and a bit challenging to manage. But overall, it was such a delight...
yes yes yes yes yes.
forgotten moments
Here it is Wednesday evening already, and as I wait for our turkey chili to be ready (inspired by Mrs. Mayfly) I started thinking about how some months seem to be on overdrive. Somehow Thanksgiving is only two weeks away and I am left wondering where the months are going. Time is more than w...
ack! invite me next time? please?
more local love
The smARTS Week, that I wrote about yesterday culminates in an Arts Festival held at the school over the weekend. It is a juried art show and sale that displays the work of some amazing local artists. I always love to go because their work is so inspiring and there are so many amazingly talented...
oh grace. amen. i hope today is brighter, of course. xo.
Thank you
I had another post all set for today, but instead, I want to say thank you. Thank you for your many sweet comments recently. Thank you for continuing to stop by and visit me in this space, even when I haven't been here consistently. Thank you for being an amazing community. Yesterday was t...
you know, i have such a hard time with the change of seasons. it takes me til the middle of the new season to let go of the old, and then a bit longer to make friends with the new. i'm encouraged by your change of habits, and hoping that mine aren't too far behind. (though now that i think about it, i've been making loooots of soups lately. and wearing scarves. those are fall habits, right?)
recent habits
As the seasons change I find my general habits changing with them. Maybe a better word would be exchanging, because I begin to feel that certain rituals feel stale in cooler temps. It also just happens to be part of my personality. I must have change of scenery. This sounds pretty crazy a...
so maybe that's why i like bloggy people - the overthinking. love it. and the envelopes, of course.
homemade envelopes and a book
The girls have gotten really into writing letters lately and mailing letters to family and friends and we ran out of envelopes very fast. I couldn't face buying more and realized I could just make them. So I did—and now the girls make them too. So, this is so easy and simple I feel silly ev...
every single time i pick up the paint brush (or think about picking up the paintbrush) i wonder if anything is going to come out. every time.
questions on doubt
Do you want to know a bit of a secret? Right before I start scanning in new rolls of film, I am convinced that they will all be terrible. It's true. Especially any photos from my Hasselblad, because I don't have a light meter, so each picture is a bit of a risk when I press the shutter. ...
first, i have to tell you that homemade lemonade popsicles are a huge favorite around here. in constant rotation with homemade chocolate milk popsicles. and second, i have to tell you that i love making little necklaces like these! i've also used black silk cord and a single larger shell to make gifts. can. not. wait. to. get. to. the. beach.
Holding On Until Summer: Shell Necklace
< Very soon...6 days to be exact...we will be in full summer mode around here. Our days will be spent eating popsicles and lounging at our beach. But until then we're giving ourselves just a tad taste of what is to come. Wyatt and I have been making homemade lemonade popsicles. Yum! S...
the sweetest, as usual. (but what will you do now for eggs!?)
Bye Bye Birdies
It was a long time coming. Still, I never actually thought the day would arrive that we would say good bye to our beloved old gals... our little clutch of hens. They weren't farm animals or anything resembling "poultry" to us. They were pets, friends even. My boys toted them around the ya...
what are you trying to do to me with those kitten pictures!?!
Mouse in the house (and winners!)
I'm going to tell you the winners of the last Show & Tell giveaway, but first I'm going to make you sit through a ridiculous amount of pictures of kittens. Well, one kitten, actually. This would be "Mouse", named by the girls. When these kittens were born, I had no intention of keeping a...
happy birthday! six is so good.
celebrating six
yes, our margaret is now six. six! so far, being six seems to be off to quite an exciting start!! the first day alone included a special crown and dress to wear, extra hugs and kisses, nonstop energy-filled cartwheels, twirls and tumbles, many rounds of rock-paper-scissors, cupcakes with pu...
safe happy travels, sarah! looking forward to hearing all about it. (and to your east coast trip in the fall!)
summer tour 2009
Cannon Beach, 2008 We're off tomorrow. I think. I have to pick up the van from the shop in the morning, because it was too late today (new rear brakes are kind of important), and then throw carefully and strategically pack the rest of the stuff in the car. It's all packed but Annika's clothe...
i cancelled all of my magazine subscriptions a few years ago. every single one. (though dave still gets newsweek, a gift from my mom.) i just felt that there were the same ideas over and over again. and the same things making me feel all want-y and inadequate. and all of the inspiration i used to get from magazines, i can find on the internet (which is another story). and they were piling up. and taking me away from reading books. and making lots of recycling.
that said, i do miss them sometimes. and think about buying them in the grocery store. but so far, i've stayed strong. this last airplane trip, i didn't even buy any in the airport.
sad. but true.
ONE simple question, no. 5
I can't believe I'm actually saying this out loud. But last month, I actually considered whether it was time to break my more than ten year relationship with my Martha Stewart Living magazine. I have to admit, I feel a loyalty to this magazine. It was my first dabbling into grown-up things. ...
can. not. decide. will have to revisit shop later. (ps. i just mapquested directions from my house to yours. 17 hours. which i think is too many hours for drinks and bbq. sad.)
on the summer train
This time of the year I start to think that the only thing I capture on film are flowers. Then I try to remind myself of how I feel around January when everything is stark and I am wishing for green. I'll just keep on taking the nature pictures, ok? The shop is officially filled with ne...
i'm wondering why you close them at night. i love the ritual of opening the windows - at any time of day. and is there anything that i do every morning? not so much. though i used to step out onto the porch first thing to breathe the morning air. i think i ought to go back to that one. (and this picture? love.)
Every morning I have certain rituals. I get up. pad into the kitchen. put water on to boil. get the kids something to eat. then, I walk around the entire house and open all the windows. Every single morning until it is either too cold or too hot to take it anymore. I feel like I have to...
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