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Carling Shirley
Deep Cove
My name is Carling Shirley. I make cloth dolls, sockmonkeys, and cloth woodland creatures. 99% of my products I sew by hand and are recycled fabrics.
Interests: sewing, nature photography, trying to write down some of my many story ideas and mostly i love reading big old classics books
Recent Activity
I'm still going to be on twitter and facebook I am just not going to blog.
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2011 on The End at The Handmade Chronicles
1 reply
This is the end of my blog writing days. I am stopping for a lot of reasons one of which is I am NOT a good writer so it takes me forever to write the littlest things. I have a really hard time with grammar and spelling also. I have a big imagination but I don't have the skills to make it clear in writing. I also have been spending more time on the computer writing blogs, tweeting, playing on facebook and just plan old promoting. Because I have done that I have started a lot of projects and haven't... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
Well…I’m an aunty again! My sister had her 3rd boy he is 8lbs even and his name is Bode (Bow-Dee) Cruz. I always forget how small newborns are he’s tiny and very quiet but very strong. I was up a couple days before she had him and I was hanging out at her house just incase they needed to rush to the hospital then I could take care or their other two boys. Then after she had Bode I went up to the hospital and stayed over so she could sleep and Daddy could put his boys to sleep. Everything... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
I've been busy sewing and creating lately. I have been working on a little pook-a-looz Woody and Buzz Lightyear for my little nephew. I found the Disney versions online and I just made my own version using t-shirt fabric. Buzz pretty much stayed the same but I changed Woody and hopefully made him better. I've also been madly sewing triangles for my mom and dads quilt which was suppose to be done by Dec 2nd for there wedding anniversary. Since I am not showing any photos you can tell I am very behind on it. I am going to try... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
awww dear I would phone you or message you as soon as I hear anything about the new baby.
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2011 on Update at The Handmade Chronicles
1 reply
What: I've been feeling sick for the last week....and my sister is about to have her third child so I am waiting to go rush up to them and do a bunch of babysitting. When: feeling sick now.....we are all hoping that the baby come soon Why: because I have a cold.....because I love being an aunt Where: sick at home and mostly sleeping....she will be having the baby at the hospital hopefully Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
I've been working on some business cards which I'm finding to be kind of hard. I tried and I am still trying to make stamps for my business cards and tags for my product. This is proving to be more difficult then I originally thought. Then I went online to Vistaprint (the one below) to try out their program but there are parts of it I don't like. The bird doesn't go with my idea but it was the only template I could find with the stitching detail. Then I had a bright idea of getting my talented cousin-in-law to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
My camera has been floating around in the bottom of my bag for sometime now and I have been worried it might get wrecked. I received a case with it when my lovely husband bought me the camera but its kind of large. I found cool camera cases on Etsy so I thought I would try to make my own version. It turned out pretty good though the photos aren't that great since I took them last night with bad lighting. Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
Lately I have been looking into getting a Murphy bed. That way we could use our bedroom as my crafting area also. At the moment we have a beautiful cherry stained queen size sleigh bed. I love it but there isn't much else we can put in our room much less walk around. To save space in our room I have put the head of the bed in our closet just so we can move around it. That in turn gave us the problem of having no closet space so then I ended up getting a temporary closet. It would... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
Its kinda funny but it seems like we are all waiting along with you guys. I can't wait for the next post!
Toggle Commented Oct 31, 2011 on Hurry Up and Wait at Posie Gets Cozy
The title means that it would be commonsense to have a normal kitchen...shower in the bathroom...and all the framing done. It dosen't make any sense the layout of this apartment. Maybe I have just been spending to much time in it :)
Toggle Commented Oct 28, 2011 on Commonsense at The Handmade Chronicles
1 reply
My husband and I, and our cat live in a small one bedroom apartment. When I was working full time at the bakery I didn't spend much time at home so I never noticed all the things I would change. Like for insistence we have a bath, I love baths but when a short person like myself can't fit in the tub its pretty useless. If there was a shower stall then the bathroom would seem a lot bigger and would make more sense. Also there was no framing or baseboards in the whole apartment that's like having a picture... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
In my last post I was saying how the silkscreening tags weren't working. I thought I would go in a different direction by making stamps. On one of my favourite blogs Tiny Happy she Stamped Linen which looks beautiful. Heres a link to the stamp carving tutorial. I think it worked ok but I think the font might be a little to big and the black seems a little extreme I might give it a try again with brown or dark grey ink. Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
I have been baking for a couple of years now and I just gave it up to sew full time. It lasted four days before they phoned me to come back in :( Though I wasn't asked to come back full time it kinda messed up me trying to set up my new future. I have one more day and they then have to give me a couple of days notice before they call me in. They did ask me to make a sock monkey for the seasonal display though and I am almost done but I will give you... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
Since I am back to blogging I recommend using Bloglovin to follow your favouitre blogs....and maybe I'm one of them ;) Follow my blog with Bloglovin For daily updates you can follow my page on facebook at The Handmade Chronicles. Most of the time I will be blogging on here. I am just finishing off my last week of my job and then I will be able to focus all my attention to my sewing yipee! There is going to be some major organizing to do but I am going to try to make new product and get organized, thats... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
If there is still anyone out there who used to read my blog I'm finally back. For the last year I have been working and working and working. I sadly haven't been able to sew a lot I have made the odd sock-monkey but I haven't had that much time to do much more. I have started a facebook page for The Handmade Chronicles and I have been working on new stuffed animal patterns. As for my reasons for being away well below is the good news of my future and the bad news of why I have been away.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at The Handmade Chronicles
Aww I love sock monkeys they are tons of fun to make and kids just light up when they see them!
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2011 on take one pair of old socks at tiny happy
1 reply
Finally I have finished my woodland stuffed animals. Meet Silas the skunk, Ollie the owl and March the bunny. I had a very quick photos shoot; if you can call frantically taking pictures while tying to get you cat out of the picture, so I could preview them on here before they are for sale on Etsy. I have a bunch more owls coming I am just looking for the right buttons for the eyes and beaks. On Monday I am going to Value Village yippee and hopefully I can find some buttons. Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles
For the last week I have been having a hard time sewing. I don't mean literal I mean that I have a hard time motivating myself to sew. It only last for a couple of hours then I start sewing again. My husband finds it rather funny because I will be sitting on the couch with my sewing things covering every surface in the room and I with have a confused looked and start whining. After I read a little bit of one of my books or play some Indiana Jones Lego then I want to start sewing again. I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 19, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles
I have a large collection of pictures on my computer of inspirational art. I don't mean art like Dali...Frida Kahlo...Gustav Klimt (though I have those also)...its more like folk art which is art nonetheless. I thought I shouldshare them with you all so here are te artists that are inspiring right now! Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles
I just stumbled upon this beautiful singer and I thought Id share with the class. Her name is Christa Couture and I guess you could call her music folk but whatever it is I like it!. Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles
Yay I have photos of my newest style of purse to share. I really like this one I might just keep it for myself and sell the next generation. I found the mustard material at a second hand store it was originally a wool skirt. The liner was a beautiful silk shirt that was way to big for me. I have also been working on some stuffed animals which are turning out really good. I am going to keep them to myself until I have a few more to share and when they are up for sale. I am just... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles
aw thanks doll! It is nice to find others like us....I know the Book Thief is the best narrated book I am loving it :)
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2010 on Gimmie Gimmie: 1950s at The Handmade Chronicles
1 reply
1950s Inspirations I have an announcement I was born in the wrong time I should have been born in some where in the 50s or 20s. I am very old fashioned in lots of ways and 90% of the fashion I like has a 50s feel to it. I do like loads of different styles but the 50s can do no wrong. 1. Glasses 2. Aprons 3. Fashion 4. Men's Fashion 5. Movie Posters There is so much more I could go on and on but I have to go to bed so I can bake tomorrow and not burn... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles
I have been neglecting my poor little blog. Today it had a little makeover and I think it turned out pretty good. I always try using templates but they never seem to work so then I have to do the whole thing from scratch and it takes me forever. As for sewing up dates....I made a little bunny for a friends daughter and I like it so much I am making a whole bunch more. I think I am going to branch off into sock monkeys and my other creations. I am working on a line of animals; bunnies, skunks,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2010 at The Handmade Chronicles