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Shivam Chhuneja
Boston, USA
Marketing, Personal Development, Psychology
Recent Activity
Well, you read it right. As much as I talk about passion, I realized my message was being perceived in a way I did not want it to. Let me give you a small story here. Tim Ferriss, a well known entrepreneur, was also the national Chinese Kickboxing champion in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
A new age kid with curly brown hair, with his deep big brown eyes. He had kind of a bigger than average nose. Loosely dressed in his casual denims, a size bigger of a t shirt, with the cool new Yeezys, he had bought early as a gift, a month... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
I believe I am in no position to be an expert ever in my life. I believe I am always going to be a student. I believe no matter how much I know, I will always have more I can learn. I believe I am a forever idiot, forever student.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
How hard is it to smile? Do not put yourself down, feel pity on yourself. Whenever you do, smile. Smile. It is not hard, seriously. Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Learn, Learn to say NO. Learn to say No to the things that no longer serve you, or are simply not you. Learn to say No to everything that stands against your values. Learn to say No to everything which is not your priority. Learn to say No to everyone... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Do you show up every single day to help your people? Can they trust you to show up for them? Are you reliable enough, enough so that your people when see you, say "she is here, as always" Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
I do not have time to do this, or do that. It is the most common line that you can get to hear from all the people who are scared. Time is not something that is to be talked upon, if it is important to you, you will make time.... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Let's take a look at Forbes top 400 list statistics. The number of self made people in the list, which is people who did not have money to make money is more than three quarters of the total number of people in the list. What does that mean for us?... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Who are you? When someone else, tells their friend about you, what do they tell them? It is imperative that we know our own story so others know our story. That is the most difficult aspect of marketing, but certainly the most important. To be able to build a great... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Ogilvy said that if he hadn't done what he did in the first few years of Ogilvy, Benson & Mather, then it would have taken them 20 years to get to a point which it took them a couple of years. But what did he really do? New agencies are... Continue reading
Posted Feb 13, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
If you have an idea, that you believe can change the world, I have got good news for you. Your idea is worth nothing, nil, zero. How is this good news? Well, because now it is all about the work you put in, your dedication towards it. There are millions... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Handyman, or a cog in the machine, is someone who is just there, flowing with the flow. She does not have her opinion, has no influence, does not strive to innovate even at the smallest of degree. She does not dream to invent new things. Don't mistake invention for inventing... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Inspiration, it's a strange thing in itself. We tend to get inspired by the smallest of things sometimes, and sometimes not even by biggest of deeds. Sometimes, our inspiration is a person with no arms and no legs, jumping off of a diving board into a swimming pool. Sometimes it... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
You have a coin in your hand, you toss it and think to yourself, HEADS. Catch it in your hand, and it is heads. You toss it again, think TAILS. It's tails. Suddenly, you feel you are in control of the outcome. That small kick of dopamine, oh my my,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Oscillating from one position to another. In life, one emotion to another, one role to another. Nothing needs to be rigid. You take a step forward, then you take a step back. Being a pendulum is okay, we need not be stable at one point. The stability of a pendulum... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Malcolm Gladwell made this notion of 10,000 hours of practice needed to be a master, quite popular. But is it really true? He talks about Bill Gates and people of that stature. But what about people like Grant Cardone, Gary Vaynerchuk, Daymond John and others? These 10,000 hours are important... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
When someone writes a post, makes a video, delivers a presentation, are they doing that work at that moment? Or, Is it about the work that was put before they even came up with the first idea of the presentation? When I make a video, the work is already done... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Most of the people when see snow, undergo a sudden burst of emotions which mainly include anger, and a stream of urghhs. They might be because the snow storms usually disrupt our day and our plans. Snow storms are bad. But what if we did not call these things snow... Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
1.Knowledge Anything you will ever read, is going to give you a newer way of looking at problems you might face in life. Books are an unlimited source of knowledge which enrich your brain and enhance you in ways that we can only imagine. If used properly, books are a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
In 2008, when the economy collapsed, over $1 trillion was lost on toxic and bad assets many people lost their jobs, businesses and houses. The only people who survived the crash well were the people who were not relying on only one source of income. Warren Buffett, probably the greatest... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
We often wonder before starting something that if it is going to work. It is our lizard brain who bombards us with thoughts like: Maybe you are not the right guy for this idea, Maybe this idea is not the right idea, will people buy? Are they really interested in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Why is it that some people end up giving everything they know for free? Most successful people realize something that we do not. They realize that it is all about giving value. Business, Marketing, everything is about giving value to the people. We are a species that values help, genuine... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Self Awareness is the key to success. If you do not know yourself well enough you are on the losing end of the spectrum in life. Highly sought after successful people swear by this thing as the key factor in their success. The reason being if we do not know... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
I often wonder that why is it that I do, what I do. Why is it that I create so many videos, why I post 25 pictures a day on Instagram and why do I create the kind of content that I create. Today I was asked by a follower... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog
Anticipation, the build up of that excitement right before when you get what you ordered. Marketers use this element of anticipation and surprise in the most awesome way possible. The factor of time is added in between the purchase and the product being handed to you. This removes the instant... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at Shivam's Blog