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Interests: scrapbooking, photography
Recent Activity
Jessica Sprague's Bloghop!
If you came for the BLOGHOP goodies, you are at STOP number 35! Be sure to unzip all the goodies for the wonderful products and quick pages AND to get all of the quote strips...... If you ended up here... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2011 at a shmoop's life
34 birthday!
Join us for a birthday blog hop next weekend! Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2011 at a shmoop's life
Oh my goodness! Jessica Sprague is offering one of her Photoshop Friday tutorials FOR FREE! But it's only good until midnight tonite so go grab it now! Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2010 at a shmoop's life
What American 7yo doesn't love them? I know I did! Now I'm skeptical of course! I mean, they ALL have a size 25 waist, huge bust that sits UP on their chest, and perfect skin. Ugh. so much to live... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2010 at a shmoop's life
Mama's Potato Soup....
Very easy recipe....i had forgotten about it until a friend of ours brought us bags full of garden goodies! YUM! 1. Dice up potatoes (no particular number...i just fill a stock pot about a quarter full) Salt and pepper and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 17, 2010 at a shmoop's life
where HAVE i been?????
It's a funny little thing i call "real life"! You know, those little bumps in the road that make the ride a little unpredictable! Well.....we have actually hit a MASSIVE crack in the road, making it seem impassable! But, i... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2010 at a shmoop's life
I'm sorry I've been away...
We have been so busy these past is like a whirlwind and it hasn't been happy, vacationey type stuff! Paul's mom, Veda, passes away July 1 after a long 10y of paralysis after a stroke. She went home to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2010 at a shmoop's life
stunning! and i LOVE the layout! what a cutie! bloghop
Hello there! Welcome to my blog. I'm so happy you've made it! If this is your first stop in the JessicaSprague birthday bloghop, you'll want to head on over to Jessica Sprague's blog to get started properly. The hop begins there and once you start, each blog will lead you to another. There are s...
Jessica Sprague's "You Are Awesome!" 3rd Birthday Blog Hop!
Hi there!!! If you came for the bloghop you are in the right place! Posted below are the rules for the bloghop. Don't forget to assemble the quotes you find tucked in each freebie to make a phrase and email... Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2010 at a shmoop's life
Myrtle Beach.....
Trying to play catch up after vacation and PHEW! ... it's a LOT of work! We need a STAYcation after our VACation!!! I have tons of pictures to post and stories to tell but that'll have to wait til i... Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2010 at a shmoop's life
Head on over!
To Jessica sprague for the Birthday Celebration going on this month! There are challenges, a FREE class, and the store is ON SALE!!!! Read some of the announcements below to see what excitement is there!!! SEE YOU THERE!!! :) Continue reading
Posted Jun 14, 2010 at a shmoop's life
Making me smile....
Template Linda Roos 7 days in may papers Nisa Fiin Keaton's closet Life is grand brush Ali Edwards visit jessica sprague to check out all the fun new products this week! Anna makes me smile.....every single day it is something... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2010 at a shmoop's life
what i have learned lately....
1. God sometimes DOES give you more than you THINK you can handle....But He helps you to handle it! 2. It is "achey" to see your child graduate high school! :( 3. Chapstick CAN hold stray hairs down, just ask... Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at a shmoop's life
shmoop added a favorite at a shmoop's life
May 6, 2010
shmoop is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
i was glad to hear she is such a trooper! kids mend very quickly and when they get sick, it's a gentle reminder of a LOT of things to us mamas! you are such an awesome mama.....what a gift of balance you have! There's a light at the end of this tunnel! have a great weekend!
friday (frustrated)
so, i'll just put it right out there... i am OVER the whole sick kids thing... i am SICK of SICK!! i guess that we are just usually always healthy, so it's CRAZY when i have had a different kid home from school every day, and today eric and cory are home from school and cory is cranking on a fev...
very cool giveaway! thanks for the chance!! :)
congratulations to Jodee, post #209, you win...
congratulations to Jodee, post #209, you win BlueMoon's giveaway! email me ([email protected]) for your prize! Jodee said... What an awesome kit! I blogged about it too! Thanks Donna! If you didnt win today's post, dont worry. Be sure to vist tomorrow ...
i cannot get my new designs to save
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shmoop is now following Ali Edwards
Nov 10, 2009
thanks so much! beautiful!!!
freebie: 02
Well, today isn't just Fathers Day ya know ^_^ but really...Happy Fathers Day guys! I hope your weekend is going great :) I've been taking it slow lately. Enjoying family life the way it is now before it changes forever. It's been swimming and eating out and movies and games and wrestlin...
agree, it's amazing how political and nightmarish this fun hobby can get when you are in the thick of things! hang in there..... this will work itself out!
Happy Mothers Day!!!!
Hello lovelies! I hope your day is going super special so far! I just got finished talking to my mom on the phone. She's in good spirits today so I'm happy about that. I really wanted to make something special for her this Mothers Day. I usually just do the minimal. Always procrastinating n' all...
very hard....but as the other gals said kids are soooo resilient!!! i moved every2-3 years growing up...and it's actually great! they'll look back on it and be thankful. they'll learn to make new friends easier. and ABOVE ALL...they will bond and hold together through it. you have great kids...i think they will be amazing!! (((hugs))) and i'll say some prayers!!!
As a child, teenager, and even as an adult, when you experience loss or a broken heart, it feels like the end of your life. You think that you'll never survive it and that life will never get any worse. But all of those emotions pale in comparison to the pain you experience when you are the caus...
aren't you a lawyer???? Maybe you don't like that field...but poss you could use that in some way? I'm a job is draining in a way, before kids, i never thought possible! if i could change jobs without losing my license, i would in a heartbeat! why don't you open a studio in your home? your photography is beautiful...
Random thoughts
Part-time job or full-time job? School starts in 2 1/2 weeks! Am I good enough to do what I really want to do? My kitchen floor needs to be mopped - again. Ugh. Emily thinks she's brave enough to get her ears pierced tonight. Ha - we'll see! :) I just want to be out of limbo! I'm actually gonna...
legally blind too, til i recently got lasik! Love should think about it at -13!!! But, the eyes do change...didn't help reading too much. nearsightedness hits about forty so you're pretty much on target (sad to say...i'm 38 too) good luck!
Big and little
The big part of this blog post - Do you see these shoes? Kinda cute, huh? My latest purchase from Target. But, I won't be wearing them. Won't walk one step in these shoes. They're a size 6 and my feet are bigger than that. So, why did I buy them, you might be wondering. Because they DO fi...
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