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congrats!! would love to be there
Toggle Commented Jun 1, 2010 on L. A., Baby! at Pink Coyote
1 reply
very similar story here - my husband took the kids to the theater the night before mother's day and I had a feeling nothing had been prepared. I called him while he was driving in and reminded him it was MD the next day and that the kids would be disappointed if they didn't give me anything! So on the way home that night, around 11pm they stopped at Walgreen to buy cards! Fortunately, I am not into celebrations either (we had our 15th anniversary last Wed and neither of us bought gifts for the other), so I am not hurt at all. I just didn't want my kids to miss Mother's Day. I do like your honesty here too, so refreshing.
1 reply
no words needed, simply. beautiful.
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