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Team U101
Milton Keynes
Peter Lloyd, Derek Jones, Emma Dewberry, Nicole Schadewitz
Recent Activity
Excellent idea, and one that will generate a bit of interest in the Blog too...
Toggle Commented Feb 18, 2013 on New blog design at U101: The Design Thinking Blog
We have completed our Pilot study and are now in the data analysis phase. This is very challenging. We have recorded most of the SL and Flashmeeting sessions using a screen recording software. Handling the large data files that resulted from 2 hour design sessions is one challenge, but doing... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2011 at ARCHI21
In early December 2010, the project team met in Paris for a kick-off meeting. In these 3 days, we were introduced to and discussed approaches to CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and how these could be applied in Higher Education in Architecture and Design. We thought about our initial... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2011 at ARCHI21
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Mar 15, 2010
This is a good find - some useful stuff on their, and similar to this blog.
That's great! It shows a really good use of design thinking - this is what the world will be like...
It's a great example to use, but I think it might fit better somewhere in Block 4 (Global). And perhaps something to point students to when they're doing the course (I like the 'reframe' that the students make, that fits in well with Problem Framing). Then again it's maybe a link you could put at the end. Thinking about it, it raises an interesting question: How do you get insight from observation? or what is the relationship between insight and observation? There is clearly an observation here (that premature most babies are born in rural places in Nepal) but it was realising that this was significant (or at least significant for the design process) that turned the whole problem around.
Yes, great video and great product. Such a simple thing when you see it. I like the way you can line up a few in the normal envelope of a normal plug.
Toggle Commented Aug 10, 2009 on folding plug at U101: The Design Thinking Blog