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Shosanna Dreyfus
Paris, France
"My name is Shosanna Dreyfus and THIS is the face... of Jewish vengeance!"
Interests: Paris Hilton, Melanie Laurent, Diane Kruger, Inglourious Basterds, Quentin Tarantino, Jean-Paul Sartre, Plastiscines, David Bowie, France, cinema, fire, gasoline, nitrate film, French Resistance, The Allies, my beautiful Marcel, collecting Nazi scalps, wearing red dresses, setting fire to things, scheming against Ed, Scott being silly, annoying German "actresses",
Recent Activity
Bonjour Paris. My friend Scott has been working as a mailroom assistant for the Scottish Government for over a month now. He says he wore one of your t-shirts to work for a few days (it's not one of those... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2012 at Paris Hilton
Dear Paris, You looked so pretty modelling a dress from your mother's line and it's good to see the great bond you have with your parents and family. It is also always good to see you raising awareness to help... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2012 at Paris Hilton
Shosanna Dreyfus added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 11, 2012
Tee hee, so you came out of the closet, Ed? *duck* I hope you find your sunglasses. You are very cute in this photo.
Toggle Commented Mar 11, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
Ah merci, my bold amies :)
Ben Chavtham, you are as impossible as you are famous! I did not steal that woman's afro as she was passing me by on the street! Stop spreading these silly stories! It's like the time you kept asking me if I went back afterwards and killed the farmer (and I'm still not answering that :P) ! Anyway, happy birthday Paris. If you need an extra annoying male friend then please let me know and I can mail him to you ;)
Happy Birthday to mon ami, the famous Ben Chavtham. Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2012 at Paris Hilton
Tee hee, I second this motion. I miss Ed.
Shosanna Dreyfus added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 5, 2012
Oh go and drink your Kronenbourg, Bridget :P
Oui, come Paris. We might even persuade Ben to let us watch my favourite episode of Father Ted. It is very amusing Paris, when the silly Nazis swallow cyanide by mistake, tee hee! I get Ben to let me watch that bit over and over! We were listening to your album earlier, Paris. Anyway, come if you like. You know you always get a warm welcome down our way. Oh and Ben wants to know if you still have your Doctor Who scarf from the Saturday Night Live sketch tee hee!
Shosanna Dreyfus added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 3, 2012
Shosanna Dreyfus added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Feb 3, 2012
Paris, mon amis and I are very excited to be receiving all this news of developments to your second music album. We loved your first album very much and still love to hear it. It is really catchy and it... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2012 at Paris Hilton
Paris always seems to have so much fun on Ellen's show and is a good sport. I remember the one where Ellen made her go into a shoe store or something and Ellen had her doing things like a bee impersonation.
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
Au revoir, Ed.
Happy New Year, Ed :)
Bonjour Ed. We get a lot of our meat pretty cheap from the Maitre'd of the Canal Bar, Ed Gein. He always has more meat than he knows what to do with. Lampshades too. It is good that all those women have a guardian angel from the balcony watching over them. I'm sure the spirit of Kitty Genovese smiles upon you.
Oh and I forgot, Happy New Year to your boyfriend Ed too! Please forgive that shocking oversight, Paris. No slight intended and I'm sure you'll both be very happy together.
Happy New Year to you and your fans, family and friends, Paris. My friends and I always like to hear about your admirable works of charity and generosity to those suffering or less fortunate. We've always loved that side of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Shosanna Dreyfus is now following Ilir Progri
Dec 30, 2011
Shosanna Dreyfus is now following Account Deleted
Dec 30, 2011
Happy New Year, Ed. Paris, if you don't date Ed at least once then I won't let you into my cinema anymore ;)
Shosanna Dreyfus added a photo at Paris Hilton
Dec 25, 2011
A few friends and I recently started a new collective journal/magazine (burning_nitrate on LiveJournal, stories_for_boys at Dreamwidth) and we agreed with our fine editor Ben Chavtham's decision to include a link to this recent photo of you, Paris, in his... Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2011 at Paris Hilton