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David Sifry
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I'm running the app with Rails 2.3.4, and I'm getting an error when posting a run - it appears that the Facebooker::Rails::Publisher::FacebookTemplate.find_by_template_name('RunPublisher::new_run').bundle_id call in models/run_publisher.rb is failing. I made sure to run the migration where register_all_templates is called, and the RunPublisher::new_run template is added to the database, but it isn't found when this SQL is run (I'm using sqlite3): SELECT * FROM "facebook_templates" WHERE ("facebook_templates"."template_name" = 'RunPublisher::new_run') LIMIT 1 Am I doing something wrong here? It means that my run won't publish to my facebook stream.
Toggle Commented Nov 26, 2009 on How to Facebook-Connect a Rails app at pass the hash
David Sifry is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 25, 2009