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Sign Talk
Brooklyn, NY
Established in 1997, SignTalk®, an Inc. 500/5000 fastest growing company, is dedicated to eliminating language barriers, providing meaningful access, and enhancing the interaction between the Deaf and hearing communities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Our nationally certified and state-qualified interpreters are selected for their knowledge, skills, attitude, experience, and ability to convey messages faithfully. All interpreters uphold the high standards of professionalism, confidentiality, and ethical conduct advocated by the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct. Our interpreters' expertise includes consecutive and simultaneous interpreting and transliterating, oral interpreting (speech reading), Deaf-blind interpreting (close vision, tactile), multilingual and multicultural interpreting, and subject-specific terminology. We also offer interpreters proficient in Medical, Legal, Educational, Business, and Entertainment terminology. SignTalk's organizational structure has been created to maximize efficiency and ensure accuracy and total customer satisfaction. SignTalk is an Organizational Member of the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (RID) and National Association of the Deaf (NAD).
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Sep 9, 2016