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Mom, often interrupted, makes stuff.
Interests: knitting, gardening, sewing, crochet, flamenco dance, vintage campers
Recent Activity
After being spotted in the French submarine the Argonaut (in a self stiched skirt, natch), the blogger resurfaced at a typical tourist site, ate cous-cous, then drank beer, while listening to these musicians. After that, things got messy. I came home and accidently ended up with a job and a half, no free time, and, a semi-scrambled sense of self. Yes, I have purchased more fabric. No, I haven't made anything with it. More pictures to follow. Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2012 at analog me
Sometimes I feel like it sewing vs. biking when it come to space competitions in our house! Its nice to know there are other moms out there sending off their kids and surviving it!
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2012 on Patched together at analog me
1 reply
great advice Jessica. I'm packing the scarves and my oddly versatile asymmetric skirt.
Toggle Commented Oct 1, 2012 on Patched together at analog me
1 reply
Well, actually I am and then some! It's hard to really sense how old I am some days, but my youngest son keeps reminding me I am one of those "old people."
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2012 on Patched together at analog me
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I wish a had a totally patch covered pair of jeans!
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2012 on Patched together at analog me
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You know yourself how complex this is, sending boys off to school. One would think that getting dressed would be a far more simple endeavor.
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2012 on Patched together at analog me
1 reply
Yes, I am a lucky girl.
Toggle Commented Sep 24, 2012 on Patched together at analog me
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We got our eldest boy off to college last month, so I guess it's a good thing that I have been working a lot. Otherwise, I am afraid I might have too much time to think about what it means to send my son off, and out of the house. He might kill me, but here he is on his last day of high school last spring. See that messy porch? Before heading to college, my son painted that trim for us and asked me to mend a bunch of his favorite pants. At first I thought that this was... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2012 at analog me
Oh Yes, now that I have to do more office work, I think I need some stomping big boots!
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2012 on imbalanced but grounded at analog me
1 reply
i have been eying that new Alma pattern!
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Posted Aug 21, 2012 at analog me
Hey you should take a crack at it!
Toggle Commented Aug 6, 2012 on where i'm from at analog me
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Maybe time out will last all summer?
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2012 on Vacation Unplugged at analog me
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Don't be too critical. I think most everything you make is exquisite. On the other hand, there really is nothing like crochet to calm the inner crafter.
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2012 on Vacation Unplugged at analog me
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I think that those log cabin squares look as if they could be quite meditative to make, especially if I didn't have to think about what to wear.
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2012 on Vacation Unplugged at analog me
1 reply
it's sort of shocking how those accounts start out as a fun diversion but then become another thing that has to be managed. I think that hill climbing and hand sewing sound like perfectly complementary hobbies.
Toggle Commented Aug 1, 2012 on Vacation Unplugged at analog me
1 reply
On the way. There. Best time for a swim. Oh yeah, I did plug in my machine and got re-hooked on straight seams. This simple non-competetive crafting was great for my sewing mojo. My life is sort of crazy right now, and I'm thinking I might make another dozen of these. Anybody else ever feel like going back to those beginner projects for awhile? Garter stich scarves? granny squares? Pillow cases? I have to admit one of my favorite things about vacation at the lake is not wearing "real" clothes. I often go from pjs to my swimsuit and have... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2012 at analog me
Lucy, I'm glad it's working for you. I think that the terrariums look great when there are rock features too, like a dry river bottom. Experiment! If you have a Flikr account or another photo sharing site, you are welcome to put a link to your creation in the comments!
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2012 on How to Make a Terrarium at analog me
1 reply
yes, I really need to make directions for this someday.
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2012 on "Off-road" skirt at analog me
1 reply
Lucy, I'm glad this worked for you! and those are good questions. 1) Yes, air may enter, especially carbon dioxide which plants need. So you can open the lid every once in awhile, inhale the nice smell and then feed it with your breath! 2) Put in enough water to moisten everything. Watch it closely for a few days. If you have excessive condensation you can crack the lid for a few hours. After awhile the terrarium will stabilize, but due to gradual water loss, you might need to give it a few drops of water in a couple months. 3) To make your terrarium happy, just try to mimic the natural setting of the plants. Usually this means some filtered light, like you would have on a forest floor.
Toggle Commented Jul 13, 2012 on How to Make a Terrarium at analog me
1 reply
or red Hill, Rustoleum Green, pancakes and pinochle. or "pay attention and ask what's trump" ? I guess I need to write another
Toggle Commented Jul 4, 2012 on where i'm from at analog me
1 reply
Louise, It's beautiful, as usual.
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2012 on where i'm from at analog me
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Hope you perk up. I would love to see what you could come up with!
Toggle Commented Jul 3, 2012 on where i'm from at analog me
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