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Silas Rogers
Recent Activity
Another great piece on the prejudice that James Randi exemplifies is "the Persecution and Assassination of the Parapsychologists as Performed by the Inmates of the American Association for the Advancement of Science under the Direction of the Amazing Randi" which can be found in his "Right Where You Are Sitting Now." He really is just as much as a close-minded bigot as Jerry Falwell only at the other end of the ideological spectrum.
Will Storr's 'The Heretics'
I've been enjoying Will Storr's extraordinary new book The Heretics: Adventures With the Enemies of Science. Storr has previously written sceptically but entertainingly about ghosts. We spoke a while ago when he was researching James Randi, and the book does indeed contain a revealing interview ...
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Feb 22, 2013
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