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Anthony Silverbrow
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Thanks. Unfortunately it's not an area I spend much time in, but this might be a good excuse to change that.
Toggle Commented May 20, 2013 on Doughnuts (or sufganiyot) at Silverbrow on Food
That's the name of the restaurant.
Toggle Commented Jan 4, 2013 on Shrimpy's at Silverbrow on Food
Chloe, thanks, hadn't thought to freeze the dough. Great idea.
Toggle Commented Jan 3, 2013 on Doughnuts (or sufganiyot) at Silverbrow on Food
Thanks Jack, glad to hear it works.
Toggle Commented Sep 14, 2012 on Mushroom consomme at Silverbrow on Food
Thanks Gobstopper, just to be clear though the time limit was made clear to me when I booked, not when we arrived. What happened to you doesn't sound great.
Toggle Commented Aug 16, 2012 on Trullo at Silverbrow on Food
Gav, I'm delighted to say I didn't make it into Simon's book as I served him such a lousy meal. I blame the fact that it was the first time I'd cooked that dish (cholent) in that oven. And I'm acutely aware what they say about workmen and their tools.
The photos in the book are best, mine aren't so great.
Toggle Commented Jan 15, 2012 on Bea's Vegan Chocolate Cake at Silverbrow on Food
I'm pretty sure Dominic's message is spam, but it's so badly written and the subject so amusing that I'm going to leave it up. Just for giggles.
Thanks Dan, no idea where they get their bagels from, but I'd be more than happy to recommend a few places. Jonathan, thanks for your comment. I've never had the truffle toast. But seriously, try Spuntino's pickles and the mac n' cheese, both outstanding.
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2012 on Mishkins at Silverbrow on Food
Thanks Fiona, You're right about liptauer, it is easy to make. Perhaps it should be this weekend's project.
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2011 on Mishkins at Silverbrow on Food
Chris, Mishkins definitely won't be kosher. They're serving Jewish style food. Or rather Ashkenazi inspired food. I wasn't saying they're not exciting. I'm sure there will be a lot of breathless coverage of the opening and much of it deserved based on their other places. Rather I think West One might well lose out as a consequence of the similar opening dates and inevitable comparisons. Also I have this nagging unease with Polpo's ubiquity in London in spite of how much I enjoy their restaurants. I can't quite put my finger on why, but that sense won't go away. I think it's the speed they've grown at. Maybe they're just trying to replicate Danny Meyer's model, which is hardly the evil empire I accept.
Toggle Commented Nov 16, 2011 on The Deli West One at Silverbrow on Food
How long does the meat last for once it's cooked? I'd say up to three days in the fridge. Although given that brining it is a way of preserving method, I imagine it can last longer. How much longer? I don't know. We need an expert in such issues.
Toggle Commented Nov 15, 2011 on Salt beef at Silverbrow on Food
Yup, that's pretty much it
Thanks I'm going to try my luck this time around as am following the St John's recipe. Will see....
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2011 on Rosh Hashanah 2011 at Silverbrow on Food
Thanks Nick, Unfortunately it's a bit late now. I will definitely rinse it though and report back how it is.
Toggle Commented Sep 27, 2011 on Rosh Hashanah 2011 at Silverbrow on Food
Thanks Layne, I'll email you about this.
I can't imagine many unis will be buying a copy anytime soon
Glad you enjoyed it.
@msmarmite if e success of this year was anything to go by then I'm sure there will be a Gefiltefest 2012
@msmarmite if only there was a paperback one due out.
@Towedeli, thank for your somewhat random comment, especially as I note Tower Deli isn't a kosher deli. Nonetheless, thanks for the comment. I'm intrigued though to know what you mean by 'the health benefits' of kosher food. What health benefits? I don't believe there are any. But taking your argument to its logical conclusion, if kosher food is more healthy than non-kosher food, are you suggesting that your own food is not particularly healthy?
Toggle Commented May 20, 2011 on The SsLuT at Silverbrow on Food
Billy Thanks for your comment it's just a shame I don't really understand it. Are you making a reference to the hoardes of invaders that have awashed this land with immigrants, dating throughout British history going back a couple of thousand years. Or are you making a nastier point? One suggesting people shouldn't be 'uppity'? I fear it may be the latter. Correct me if I'm wrong.
@kitchenvoyage, yes, seems to be a good opportunity to come.
Thanks Goonergirl, glad you liked it.