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Did anyone else hear Tim Curry singing "...and I realize, I'm Going home"? When I first followed you, you were already in Exile; but I will faithfully follow wherever you lead. You're a good man, Wil. Stay awesome.
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Like attracts like; when you look out across the Internet and see a sea of crazy awesome people smiling back at you, that is in large part because you, yourself, are crazy awesome. You rock, Wil! Thank you for being awesome.
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Silvermoon82 is now following Wil
May 27, 2011
I'm happy that you have written so much about your family. It's so common for people who win at life to be total douchebags, but the warmth and love with which you write about your kids and wife really warms my heart. It gives me hope for humanity, and it makes me want to hug a kitten. You're a hero to me, Wil. You win at life AND at being an awesome human being. :) If your travels ever take you to Kingston, drop me a line; I'd love to buy you a beer.
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Silvermoon82 is now following The Typepad Team
May 27, 2011