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Mar 15, 2010
Good luck with your new ventures Richard! Fortune favours the brave, as they say.
Toggle Commented Dec 13, 2009 on Cold feet: my difficult year at PR Studies
1 reply
I was thinking about the implications of this just the other day. Is it right to sign up clients that clearly are focused on social media sales, short-term investments and an unwillingness to change the way they work towards building trust over time? Tricky question - or perhaps not depending on your goals!
1 reply
Funnily enough, I was considering a similar post on Friday night travelling. Travelling from Peterborough to York 1st class - unclean table and dairystix galore. Similarly I experimented with commuting via NEEC to work instead of the cheaper First Capital service. It more expensive I thought but better seating/tables and free wifi. Unfortunately my suspicions were confirmed. *Finding* a seat was difficult most mornings and wifi was all but non-existent. Something must be done.
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