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Don’t worry about Rob Wilson – he’s a lightweight of restricted intellect. He only got on to the frontbench cos Boris resigned to go for the London Mayor. At least two other MPs were considered but declined as not everyone wants to go immediately on to the front bench. Wilson of course didn’t give it a moment’s thought but since his appointment has made limited original impact. Wilson is a sad reflection of the lack of talent on the Tory backbenches. He won’t be sacked – there are very few MPs willing to replace him at this stage. In Lady Thatcher’s heyday he may have made PPS to a junior Minister. Lord help us where he may get to with the current deficit of talent.
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Nonsense. Lady Thatcher is hardly lonely at her home near Chester Square. Every day she's surrounded by aides to help with her work as well as helpers for her domestic affairs. It was only a matter of time before Robert (Rob)Wilson continued his history of carving out a political career based on alarmist sentiment and going off message. The questions should be: Was Thatcher used in an unscrupulous way by Rob Wilson? Is it right that a Front Bench spokesperson should exploit a situation like this for his own political ends? Is that what Rob Wilson did today? Was this another carefully choreographed Wilson‘dog-whistle’ to Conservative-minded electors that it’s “safe” to support him? If Rob stuck to his frontbench brief and tried to make substantive points on that rather than sticking to his usual 'punch in the face' attempts at courting self promotion then it may justify the risk his whip took in recommending his promotion??
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