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Simon Sinek
Simon is an optimist who believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together.
Recent Activity
Getting a Better Job
There is an entire section in our bookstores called "self-help." What we really need is a section called "help others." To get a better job, you may not need to switch jobs at all. There is one thing you can do that will not only help you find greater fulfillment, meaning and satisfaction in your career — you will also... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2017 at Re:Focus
Can Theresa May Lead the UK?: 4 Essential Tips for New Leaders Stepping Into A “Damned-If-You-Do-Damned-If-You-Don’t” Job
As Theresa May steps in as the new Prime Minister of Britain, she will be faced with the daunting task of unifying a divided nation. It’s an unenviable position for any leader; a thankless damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don’t job. In Theresa May’s case, if she goes through with the Brexit, she will infuriate half the population that thinks that’s a terrible idea and... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2016 at Re:Focus
Explaining the Rise of Donald Trump
Whenever I read or hear a news story about the perplexing rise of Donald Trump, I myself am confused. Confused, not by Trump’s rise, but how predictable his rise was given the politics of the past decade. The Republican Party did such an expert marketing job for the past 8 years that it actually worked. Being a “Washington insider,” for... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2016 at Re:Focus
Together Is Better
I discovered the concept of Why at a time in my life when I had lost my passion for what I was doing. This one simple concept not only restored my passion to levels I had never experienced before, it set me on an equally unexpected journey. I shared the concept with my friends and they asked me to share... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2013 at Re:Focus
The Story of Jesus and Our Daily Grind
According to scripture, Jesus Christ was forced to carry the very Roman cross upon which he would be crucified. There is an eerie correlation to this story and the life many of us lead today. We work hard to build the companies that then lay us off so they can make the numbers work that year. I am not for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2013 at Re:Focus
It's Not Nice To Stab People
Instagram announced a change to their privacy policies granting themselves ownership over all the pictures posted on the platform, including the right to sell pictures without permission or notification. They also grant themselves the right to make private pictures public, also without permission or notification. And, as if that wasn't enough, announced that they are not liable to any class... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2012 at Re:Focus
Why We Need Each Other
I try, try, try and fail. Only then will I learn and improve the way to do things. I go, go, go and trip. I stand up, brush off my knees, look back at what I tripped over so I know what to look out for in the future. Now I don't have to trip over those things again. I... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2012 at Re:Focus
How To Innovate Like A Shark
In 1975 a young director with no big films credits under his belt, set out to make a horror film. Steven Spielberg wanted his film filled with violent and gory shark attacks. He wanted us to watch as this massive animal, built to kill, would attack his unsuspecting prey. But there was a problem. The mechanical sharks that were supposed... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2012 at Re:Focus
What's More Important, The Sale Or Your Reputation?
One definition of a prostitute is someone who sacrifices their good name in order to make a buck. But what do you do when someone else is driven by the sale but it is your reputation that suffers as a result? This is the risk run by any company that relies on a third party to sell their product. Franchisees,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2012 at Re:Focus
Without A Vision, We Find An Enemy
The economy is in a shambles. There is a total lack of leadership. Hope is at a minimum. The people feel out of control and, without a sense of optimism for the future, they lash out at anyone who is different from them. These are the conditions that existed in the 1930s that gave rise to Hitler and an extremely... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2012 at Re:Focus
We Have A Legacy To Uphold
On this July 4th, it is important for us to remember what we are celebrating. Yes it is the birthday of our nation, a day for family, BBQs and fireworks. But the reason we have this birthday to celebrate is because of the undying belief of some remarkable people who lived before us. Our founding fathers and their supporters believed... Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2012 at Re:Focus
Don't Trust Companies Who Put Customers First
“Our customers are our number one priority,” is the oft heard mantra of so many companies these days. “We put our clients first,” is uttered by so many CEOs one loses track. But there’s a problem with putting customers first. It means that employees come at least second. Customers should never be the priority…people should be the priority. Some of... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2012 at Re:Focus
There Are Fates Worse Than Death
Lt Col. Mike "Johnny Bravo" Drowley is an Airman in the United States Air Force. Lt. Col. Mike Drowley believes there are fates worse than death. It is his undying commitment to others that guides his actions and decisions. He has bravery like few others we meet in normal society. He has humility like few others we meet in normal... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2012 at Re:Focus
Lie To Get What You Want
On this particular night, Michael ordered the soup. “Is it vegetable stock or chicken stock?” he asked the waitress. “Vegetable,” she replied. “Are you sure,” Michael continued, “I can’t have it if it’s chicken based.” “It’s vegetable,” replied the waitress again confidently. My friend Michael is a strict vegetarian. He loves going out for dinner with his friends and never... Continue reading
Posted Apr 24, 2012 at Re:Focus
How To Talk About Your Weaknesses
It’s hard enough that we have to talk about our strengths to others, but our weaknesses? That’s just the worst. Even more confounding, we’re only asked to talk about our weaknesses and our strengths in an interview, but after we get the job, we’re rarely ever asked to talk about what makes us so great again. Our weaknesses, however, seem... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2012 at Re:Focus
Two, Not Three: Boost Sales By Offering Less
Starting as a shoe salesman in the 1950's, Ben Prober went on to own a very successful chain of women's shoe stores. The prices at his stores weren't the cheapest. The selections weren't that much different from any other shoe store in town. And the stores themselves were pretty basic. They were nice enough, but nothing that our design-and-experience obsessed... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at Re:Focus
Purpose Can Not Be Rationalized
I felt sick. I wanted to curl up in a ball and be alone. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I was ashamed. To most people, what I did would seem a trifle, but to me it was much deeper. I gave a talk to an organization that violates the very core of my beliefs. In my mind, I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 17, 2012 at Re:Focus
The Definition of an Authentic Brand
You need to talk to someone you can trust. There are two men standing there, one is wearing a long black robe with a cross around his neck. The other is wearing a t-shirt with a skull on the front and a pair of ripped jeans. The question is, whom do you choose? Got it? Now, I should also tell... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2012 at Re:Focus
Go Slow
In this day and age of soundbites and instant gratification, we often forget the value of spending time doing something of value. We live in a world in which a YouTube video longer than 5 min is considered too long and the ideas that are supposed to change the world are only given a maximum time of 18 minutes on... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2011 at Re:Focus
The Definition of Purpose
I spend nearly every single day talking about what it means to live your Why - to live with a sense of purpose, cause or belief. But what happens when we wake up one day without a sense of purpose or cause? What happens when we used to have clarity and it slips away? That is what happened to me.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at Re:Focus
Will We Cry When You Die? An Open Letter.
Dear Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Larry Page and other CEOs of large American corporations: I am sure you all saw the news when Steve Jobs died. The spontaneous, international show of mourning was nothing short of amazing. My question is, do you think we will cry when you die? The irony is that Jobs was more like you than like... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2011 at Re:Focus
Don't Confuse Listening With Covering Your Ass
“We have listened to our customers very closely over the last few weeks,” said David Darnell, co-COO of Bank of America, “and recognize their concern with our proposed debit usage fee.” This is a standard line when a plan to gouge customers backfires. In the case of Bank of America, they didn’t propose, as Mr. Darnell attempted to explain, they... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2011 at Re:Focus
Face Reality And Not Your Imagination
There have been many occasions when I’ve been on a plane and we hit some bad turbulence that my heart started pounding. I am not a nervous flyer, per se, but sometimes I imagine elaborate scenarios of all the things that are going wrong in the cockpit and it freaks me out. I’ll hear strange noises sometimes, and think it’s... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at Re:Focus
Our Survival Skills Become Our Talents
Martin was a scrawny kid when he was in high school. He wasn’t that tall and he wasn’t that strong. He didn’t excel at any athletic activities and was an average student. By normal high school rules, Martin would be considered a target. A target for bullies, a target for ribbing from other students or even teachers. But no one... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at Re:Focus
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