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Sister Carrie
I'm a writer, wife, and mother of three strong daughters whom we adopted from China.
Interests: international adoption, parenting, writing, sewing, remodeling, transracial adoption, adoption from china, special needs adoption, corporate identity, brand management
Recent Activity
Heck yeah.
More beautiful than any boy has a right to be.
What a cutup! And look at the other two sound asleep. Do you listen to Chinese music in the car?
Kit Kat Break!
This was late one night after a couple of hours driving. Posy still going strong! Give her a Kit Kat and she's good for another 2oo miles. Don't let the other two see this video, they still don't know they missed out on a Kit Kat, hey you snooze you loose! Best keep it between us!
Republican watching
The real Republicans need to take back their own Party. Sometimes a vote just isn't worth having if the price you pay for it is to trample all over your own Party's morals and principles. A vote isn't worth it if its from an extremist who does not want to compromise ever, does not want religio...
Yeah, it's super-irritating and objectifying.
Princess of where?
Does anyone else find the video for Princess of China irritating for the way "all things Asian" are mish mashed together? Chinese, Japanese, Indian, its all the same right? Ack!! Of course now I can't stop playing the damn song!
I am so glad you are blogging again! And you sound like a fun mum. I want to see you frolicking.
The tonic for overwhelmed and . . . .
. . . . . under performing (that would be me) is a spur of the moment trip to the beach. After picking up B from preschool the weather was just too gorgeous to spend it cooped up indoors (me) or snoozing through a nap (that's them) so we headed to the beach! We were completely unprepared no towe...
She belongs on a stage. The girl has pipes, she can dance, and she can do improv.
Button Butt PLC - Branches in Ireland, China, Taiwan and my back yard!
Due to the overwhelming number of requests from my adoring public, well not exactly "requests" or even "overwhelming" or come to that not exactly "adoring public" but Curts did say in passing something to the effect of "are you ever going to get off your bottom and write a post?" So here I am! I...
Renaissance Man..
Gotta love a man who can change a diaper, Future Mrs (or Mr) Beau you can thank me later. p.s Is Renaissance Man actually what I mean? He has done letters, colors and numbers at preschool, in addition to his fire fighting and Teletubbie diapering skills, that's pretty Renaissance right?
"Hmmm..." Oh my, too much cute.
Little Miss Messy!
So apparently I was a little over ambitious in promising full details of our day at CASPY "to follow" today. I was going to say I ran out of time because the weekends are so busy but the truth is I just watched Bridesmaids when I could have been blogging. I presume I'm the last female in Ameri...
You are so good about remembering. I was waiting for your post.
Remembrance Day.
Lest we forget.
For lack of a 4s!
Its not my fault, there just aren't enough hours in the day to get this posting thing done. Its especially hard because I still can't download any new photos which we all know are my stand by option. I'm thinking if I had an iphone 4S I'd be a much better blogger, perhaps we could have a quick w...
That is awesome.
Trick of the camera
Our Posy Our Posy with a giant!
Oh, poor sweet Lulu and A! What an innocuous crime. And I hate indoor recess! It's too awful to make wiggly kids stay inside when they have extra energy to burn off.
Shall we picket the school with signs saying 'Where was the Stop Sign?'
Naughtiest Girl in the School
It would appear that The Naughtiest Girl in the School is none other than my daughter! Poor Lulu, as bedtime drew closer she started to complain of a tummy ache but when it became clear that I was positive her tummy would be just fine by the morning she burst into tears and said that she didn't...
Someone has to carry the flag for us! You can just keep posting pictures of Posy falling asleep at meals if you'd like. She's so yummy.
Am I the only one fool enough to attempt this?
Its all coming back to me now, why this posting every day in November isn't the greatest of ideas and its only day two! I find it very telling that Carrie & Cumo (see previous comments), who BOTH have blogs of their own, are so encouraging of me taking up the challenge whilst both wisely side s...
Do it!
Its that time of the year again!
I've been pondering whether to attempt the NomPomBloggy thing again this November so this is me officially me keeping the option open. Its always much harder to do than I think it will be but each year that I've done it I've been so glad I did because when I look at the old posts I can really ...
Arm wattles. (Yes, out of that whole inspiring post, that is what I came away with.)
That lunar eclipse turned my brain into Spaghetti Junction last night. No sleep for the inspired. But no clear thoughts either. If I was to write a long (too long) post about my interwoven thought processes right now it would include these threads: Online business coaching is producing multi-le...
Courgette = zucchini on our side of the world. Though what you've got there looks more like pickling cucumbers to me. Either way, it's goodness.
I owe my body a huge favour. Several. Many. I owe it. It's taken me to some wonderful places, literally and figuratively, and I'm now asking it to take me on the second half of this adventure. Now, I want to talk. Now, I want our relationship back. Now, after some years of ignoring it in favour ...
Pretty as a posy!
Work that hat!
Wanting to click the "like" button on all these comments. River Song is awesome and I want her hair.
Yes, once you decide to clean house, lifewise, there will be some bumps as you jettison the things that are holding you down. (Er, too many metaphors, perhaps.)
Hello Sweetie*
Keeping it real. If you're going to turn your life around and write about it then you need to keep it real or that writing means nothing. So in that spirit I will tell you that yesterday was a bad, bad day. Maybe it's resistance, maybe it's circumstances, whatever. The upshot was that I lay awak...
Best week ever!
A week
Phew. So Alisa came to visit and it was completely lovely. She and I have chatted (thank you GMail IM) every day, no really, since 2005. We met, as did many of my much-loved online circle, while we were waiting for our children. She lives in Canada, I live in England and our daughters were born ...
It looks like the garden of Eden....
In our garden is a hedge and behind that is another hedge and behind that hedge is a 10 foot drop down into the manor gardens. The chickens like to scratch around in the space between. I can relate to that feeling at the moment. It's rich ground. This photograph came straight out of the came...
Yay for yoga. I want to take a class too. Just need to make that phone call...
Thinking about the future version of me (I need a snappy little nickname for her/me) that I'm inspired by and determined to be, I was aware of a 'something', a quality I couldn't pinpoint that was a major part of the difference between her and me. Then it became obvious...she has a serenity, an ...
I'm in! Can't wait to see what's next.
What am I starting before I'm ready? A project. A project about me. A project about me becoming who I really want to be. A project about me becoming who I really want to be before April 26, 2013. I was happy to be 30 and I was fine with being 40 but 50 - not so much. In fact, not at all. All tha...
Lovely sermon. And what a beautiful princess you have!
Congratulations William and Catherine!!!
My princess! The Bishop of London's Sermon 29th April 2011 “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” So said St Catherine of Siena whose festival day it is today. Marriage is intended to be a way in which man and woman help each other to become what God meant each one...
Ah, so lovely! Amy Sparkles!
My heart
and I couldn't live without her. For a long, long time I didn't think she was ever going to let me in to her heart, but when she finally did the sweetness was almost more than I could take and now she IS my heart. Love you so my sweet, sweet Posy, you are brave and fierce and fragile and beau...
What Linda said. After a week like that, I think my first impulse would be to climb into bed and pull the covers over my head!
'When you live, make it all'
This gets better. Monday I woke up with a migraine. Welcome to my week off. Took a pill. Sometimes the pill just zaps out the migraine and I can function pretty much at full capacity. Sometimes the pill acts almost like an anaesthetic and I'm not really safe to be on my feet. As the pill is a co...
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