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Sister Carrie
I'm a writer, wife, and mother of three strong daughters whom we adopted from China.
Interests: international adoption, parenting, writing, sewing, remodeling, transracial adoption, adoption from china, special needs adoption, corporate identity, brand management
Recent Activity
Heck yeah.
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What a cutup! And look at the other two sound asleep. Do you listen to Chinese music in the car?
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Yeah, it's super-irritating and objectifying.
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I am so glad you are blogging again! And you sound like a fun mum. I want to see you frolicking.
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She belongs on a stage. The girl has pipes, she can dance, and she can do improv.
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"Hmmm..." Oh my, too much cute.
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You are so good about remembering. I was waiting for your post.
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That is awesome.
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Oh, poor sweet Lulu and A! What an innocuous crime. And I hate indoor recess! It's too awful to make wiggly kids stay inside when they have extra energy to burn off. Shall we picket the school with signs saying 'Where was the Stop Sign?'
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Someone has to carry the flag for us! You can just keep posting pictures of Posy falling asleep at meals if you'd like. She's so yummy.
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Arm wattles. (Yes, out of that whole inspiring post, that is what I came away with.)
Toggle Commented Jun 16, 2011 on Lunatic at shapeshifting
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Courgette = zucchini on our side of the world. Though what you've got there looks more like pickling cucumbers to me. Either way, it's goodness.
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2011 on Juicy at shapeshifting
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Pretty as a posy!
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Wanting to click the "like" button on all these comments. River Song is awesome and I want her hair. Yes, once you decide to clean house, lifewise, there will be some bumps as you jettison the things that are holding you down. (Er, too many metaphors, perhaps.)
Toggle Commented Jun 7, 2011 on Hello Sweetie* at shapeshifting
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Best week ever!
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2011 on A week at shapeshifting
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It looks like the garden of Eden....
Toggle Commented May 22, 2011 on Inbetween at shapeshifting
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Yay for yoga. I want to take a class too. Just need to make that phone call...
Toggle Commented May 19, 2011 on Yirah at shapeshifting
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I'm in! Can't wait to see what's next.
Toggle Commented May 12, 2011 on 3 at shapeshifting
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Lovely sermon. And what a beautiful princess you have!
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Ah, so lovely! Amy Sparkles!
Toggle Commented Apr 21, 2011 on My heart at Hey ho, hey ho, its off to China we go!
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What Linda said. After a week like that, I think my first impulse would be to climb into bed and pull the covers over my head!
Toggle Commented Apr 14, 2011 on 'When you live, make it all' at shapeshifting
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