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peggy bass
Recent Activity
Pam your shed is fantabulously wonderful. Your video was like being in your yard going to your shed to create and having your wonderful family there with you. Thank you for sharing with us.
1 reply
I too cannot wait until your Alphabet book is out. I am going to make it for me. I love it. peggy in missouri
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On FB Jim West asked what was on our bucket list and well I have to say a class with Pam Holland is on the list. I sincerely hope your trip home went well and rest is on the way when you get there. I was curious about the "whiskers on it" saying. Have a Happy Mother's Day. Have a fun and restful one. the best, peggy in missouri
1 reply
tell us more about the event your are doing in June in New Mexico and is it open to anyone? Are you teaching in Houston this year? thank you.
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on Preparation at Pam Holland Designs and Productions
1 reply
as Dustin Hoffman said as Mr. Magorium, "Your life is an occasion, rise to it." Pam you do it very well, could listen to you and view your work for hours.
Toggle Commented Apr 27, 2010 on Preparation at Pam Holland Designs and Productions
1 reply
Pam, I tried looking at your Chicago inspiration video and it said to make your you accept the sender's friend request. Any idea why that message would pop up on that video?
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peggy bass is now following Pam
Mar 29, 2010
peggy bass is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 29, 2010