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I'm so glad to have stumbled upon this post thanks to a Google search. I was looking for the perfect wine to pair with my aged Gouda (one of my all-time favorite cheeses) and thanks to your tips, I did! I went for an Alberino from Portugal because of its stone fruits and it was wonderful!
Gouda, Plus Wine
“The older the cheese, the smaller the bite.” It’s an old expression, less adage than dictum. Young, fresh cheeses have high water content, soft texture, and mild flavor. We spread them thickly, mashing fresh chèvre with herbs on a crusty loaf, layering buffala mozzerella with basil and tomato...
"You begin saving the world by saving one man at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics."
Bukowski on his Birthday
If I had a few minutes, I could flip through any Bukowski collection on my desk and find you a great quote. Something accessible. Something wry. Something pained, something hilarious. A verse that careens about the page in longing or madness, but in a diguise of plain clothes. I could find...
SJWhipp is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 16, 2010
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