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One of the lessons I learned from when I worked as a driver for Werner is that once the sun starts going down, many truckers lose their ability to reason. By that, I do not mean that they suddenly swerve into traffic, or drive on the wrong side of the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
In the world of trucking, time is everything. My life right now is controlled by five different clocks, four of which are run and dictated by the Federal Government. How and when these clocks run is decided by what my declared status is. There are four possible choices; Off-Duty, Sleeper... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2015 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
The story of this trip starts the other day when I left home after they routed me there for a 34 hour restart. The load they gave be ran from Jacksonville, FL to Beech Island, SC. It was a relatively short trip, only five hours drive time. I never worry... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2015 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
In my life I've had quite a few jobs. I've also attended quite a few classes. In both Jobs and in school there is an expectation that you should generally do what your boss or teacher wants. It is perhaps one of the harder lessons of school, to do what... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2015 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
There is a special kind of uncomfortableness that comes with sitting crammed into a van with ten other grown men. The A/C never seems quite cold enough. The stale smell of men who smoke fills your nostrils. Awkward conversation tries and fails to take hold before the van slips into... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2015 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
One of the things I have to do at Frank is take new appliances out of their boxes in order to prepare them for delivery. It’s kinda cool to see brand spanking new appliances that have never seen the light of day outside the factory they were made in. Sometimes... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2014 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
The title of this blog is no longer as accurate as it used to be. I stopped being a semi-truck driver in March of 2012. Now, though, I am back at work driving. Not a semi-truck this time, but a box truck. I work now as a delivery driver for... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2014 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
23 January 2012 This Post will be somewhat different from what I normally post because it has little to do with my experience as a Truck Driver other than this is something I was thinking about while driving from Knoxville, Tennessee to Searcy, Arkansas. I have been thinking about the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2012 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
20 January 2012 I am currently sitting in the Petro Truck stop in Atlanta, Georgia. I should be Home in Florida... Why am I in Atlanta and not Home? Because of... The Planner... has the following to say about the word "Planner" and "Plan" Planner noun a person who... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2012 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
6 Jan. 2012 It's been a while since I've written, but I've been dealing with alot of stuff... some good, some bad. Anyway, I wanted to say a few things about the stuff you can find written on the walls of truck stops. First, there are Poliltical messages... Like, O.B.A.M.A-One... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2012 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
22 October, 2011 I am currently sitting in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Werner Terminal there. I have been running about quite alot since I left Utah, and I'm looking forward to going home on the 28th. I spent a most of last week in Omaha, Nebraska at Werner's home offices.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
26 September 2011 I'm currently sitting in a Love's Truck stop in Cedar City, Utah. I am not on my home time, However I should be. On the 23rd I picked up a Load in Albuquerque, New Mexico that was bound for Hurricane, Utah. After that, I was told, I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
14 September 2011 I'm in Detroit, Michigan right now; and I am getting ready to head into Canada again. I spent yesterday sitting here because my load does not deliver until tomorrow, and I have been doing alot of thinking about feeling lonely. Loneliness, as I have said before, is... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
8 September 2011 Once again I am sitting in the Huskey Truck stop/Super 8 Motel in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. I come here for the night if I can manage because they have free wifi, which allows me to communicate with my loved ones. I think Loneliness is by far the... Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
4 September, 2011 Today, as I sit waiting for the brake chambers on my trailer to be fixed, I have been thinking about something that I have been very skeptical of since I was made aware of it. Homeopathy is a kind of natural remedy that falls under the more... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
1 Sept 2011 I am stopped for the night about an hour West of Jacksonville, Florida. I am tired, and have a headache, but I have some things I wanted to get down before I went to bed. Most of my trainers warned me that going into Canada could be... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
30 Aug. 2011 I have driven about 100 yards today. I got here to the Lakeland Terminal at about 11:00 AM and was informed that it would be several days before I would get a truck... "Oh no," I thought, "Not another pain in the butt." I told them that... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
29 Aug. 2011 When I started working this job, I found that Semi-trucks are just as varied and diverse as normal cars are, and there are specialty vehicles within the trucking industry which I had never seen before. Because of this I thought it would be a nice Idea to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
Skepticstate has shared their blog Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
Aug 28, 2011
28 Aug. 2011 I am sitting at home right now, and thought it would be a good time to do some catch up writting. I will be here at home until tuesday morning, at which time I will head out again for another three weeks. My next home time will... Continue reading
Posted Aug 28, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
9 August 2011 First of all, The rest of my trip into Canada was a disaster and I need to write about it but it will be a very long post and I want to wait until I have a computer handy to write it. Right now I am in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
4 August 2011 Right now I am in a "Husky" truck stop in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. On Monday when I left the house and learned I would be taking a Load to Canada, I was quite excited... Now, however, I just want to get back into the US. It's not... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
30 July 2011 I'm at home right now. it is nice to have a break. On Monday I will head back out on the road, this time for three weeks. Alot happened in the days since I last wrote, so much so that I was too tired to write. It... Continue reading
Posted Jul 30, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
25 July 2011 I am in Madison, Wisconsin. Tomorrow I deliver in Waupun, Wisconsin. Driving from Louisiana to Wisconsin in three days has given me alot of time to think. What have I been thinking about? 1) This whole debt crisis the U.S government is dealing with.... Or... I should... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker
21 July 2011 I am currently sitting in a Love's Truckstop outside Tupelo, Mississippi... That's right, the training wheels are off! Tomorrow morning I deliver my very first load on my own. It has been an interesting day. Last night I slept at the Atlanta terminal in my truck. I... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2011 at Diary of a Skeptic Trucker