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Interests: music, mad magazine, computers, baseball, comic books, weight loss.
Recent Activity
@Amir: Yes, there will be a vegetarian (though not vegan) option for pizza. There's also pasta, salad, and rolls.
Pilgrimage 2011 lunch
Update Thu Jun 2 11:30 AM: Registration is closed. Thanks for your interest! Howdy Pilgrims, This page is for ordering lunch in Cupertino during the Pilgrimage. The ordering stuff is at the bottom of this page, below the FAQ. Thanks, and see you soon! Jeff, Patrick, and Scott FAQ What's a...
Hi Pilgrims,
PayPal was having some problems last night. If you were unable to reserve your lunch, please try again.
Pilgrimage 2011 lunch
Update Thu Jun 2 11:30 AM: Registration is closed. Thanks for your interest! Howdy Pilgrims, This page is for ordering lunch in Cupertino during the Pilgrimage. The ordering stuff is at the bottom of this page, below the FAQ. Thanks, and see you soon! Jeff, Patrick, and Scott FAQ What's a...
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Mar 15, 2010
@Bcpk I'm glad you found this useful, but sorry you think I'm a shill. As for typing speed, I stand by what I said, which is that I'm faster now on N1 than I am on my iPhone 3GS. Wanna race? ;-)
Nexus One info for iPhone users
I've been a happy iPhone user since the day the first one went on sale. About 4 weeks ago, I got a Nexus One from my employer (UPDATE: to be clear, I work for Google), and it seemed pretty cool, so I decided to try it out as my actual, one-and-only cell phone. To make this a fair test, I decided...
@Chris There's a Reply and Reply All button at the bottom of each message in the thread, or to get all the way to the bottom, one quick swipe is usually enough to scroll all the way to the end. You can also show/hide messages in the thread by tapping the sender's name.
Nexus One info for iPhone users
I've been a happy iPhone user since the day the first one went on sale. About 4 weeks ago, I got a Nexus One from my employer (UPDATE: to be clear, I work for Google), and it seemed pretty cool, so I decided to try it out as my actual, one-and-only cell phone. To make this a fair test, I decided...
@sky I think so too, although both Apple and Google are pretty good at innovating all the time.
Nexus One info for iPhone users
I've been a happy iPhone user since the day the first one went on sale. About 4 weeks ago, I got a Nexus One from my employer (UPDATE: to be clear, I work for Google), and it seemed pretty cool, so I decided to try it out as my actual, one-and-only cell phone. To make this a fair test, I decided...
Hey Craig,
I am so ready to see this movie...but why the big PR blitz now, when it doesn't open for another month? I wonder if this is going to be another case of too-soon hype, just like that other movie earlier this year. What was it...something about snakes, or an airplane?
Borat Goes to Washington
You can't buy PR like this. If there has been a better quote by anyone about anything this year, I have yet to hear it: “If there is one more item of Uzbek propaganda, claiming that we do not drink fermented horse urine, give death penalty for baking bagels, or export over 300 tons of pubis ever...
Thanks for the fascinating dissection. But...why? This movie had so much buzz, so much publicity in the movie-going demographic, and then, the cherry on top: it's actually a fun and enjoyable show. So what do you think has kept people from seeing it?
Snakes on a Plane: A Disaster Film in So Many Ways
I want to dissect how badly Snakes on a Plane did this weekend, and while it may end up being slightly profitable, I want to make it super clear that this performed way, way under expectations, and was nowhere near what New Line thought they'd end up with. The ugly details: It made $13.8 mill...
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