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Slim Lancaster
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c'mon cyrus.. really??? i have enough tattoos to know when i see real ones.. and that was done with a sharpie.. i've seen henna tattoos that look more real then that.
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im sorry but if its anything like his wardrobe, i'd want NO part in it.. wayne and i are both the same age (difference of 1 day to be exact)and i can't see wearing or setting trends for the young teen audience.. i feel too grown for that type of wear.. and thats not just because i work an 8-5 and have to dress in business attire.. but more or less because i have an 11 year old that i don't want to look like twins with...
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$120??? ever heard of i wouldn't call the prices that i've seen on there for these "super expensive" especially if you've invested $500+ on phones and other devices
Toggle Commented Jan 11, 2012 on Jay-Z Charges Next Wave Of Big Business at
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dude.. yes the word bamma in some cultures could be taken in different context.. (just like the word nigga/nigger) and if your not from DC or haven't been around that culture, i guess u wouldn't understand that that word has been used for YEARS in the exact way as seendadream described it.. it was not used in the context that maybe u are used to..
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so an article about ASS and the first response u bring to the table is about nas being the greatest rapper... hhhmmmmmmm... reallly???
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yeah.. cause conspiracies are supposed to be blatantly obvious and easy to spot.. smh.. what ever happened to "shit happens"?? RIP..
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nope... BUT... there is a Cedars Sinai hospital in LA...
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you are aware that "Mt. Sinai" hospital is in New York right?
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whoa there spartacus... ur going a little far again there buddy.. i didn't offer my "opinion" on bin laden and when he died or whatever.. but yet you chose to reply with a paragraph explanation. my statement was simple.. hitler killed himself.. was not assassinated.. don't know where u get ur information.. maybe u were standing there with hitler when he died.. idk.. the dude got married, finalized his last will & testament, then him and his wife commited suicide... the end..
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"..Hitler was assassinated 60 years of the exact date of when they reprted Bin Laden was dead....Let me say that again, Bin Laden was reported to the world that he has killed and his body dumped at sea on 05/01/2011 which is exactly years of the same exact day that Hitler was killed." first off let me say, im not into that illuminati shit nor do i want to argue... but i do wanna say something regardin this statement... hitler was NOT assassinated, he commited suicide.. and he killed himself on April 30th, not May 1st.
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????? the song is posted above... what are u googling?
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since when did "real street shit" resort to airing niggas out on twitter??? (i don't have a twitter account, so correct me if im wrong.. for him to write something to terrence.. does he have to know/look up terrences' handle to know that its "@TerrenceJ"???) ya dudes way to caught up on image.. this is on some extra dumb ass shit.. on webbies part.. i can care less about all parties involved, but webbies comes out looking ignorant and dumb as fuck..
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fake ass weed smoker.. inhale that shit.. don't puff and blow that shit out..
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"If it werent for the iphone, there would be no fucking Droid!" see here is a perfect example of this dude going left field with something.. why was this comment needed?? what was the relevance of this comment in regards to what we talkin about? lmao "My last reply will shut dey asses up.." whos the quiet one now? lol.. he probably researching something right now to give us a history lesson on.. like it matters.. i already gave him the bottom line.. and if for some reason he didn't read it, i will reiterate.. "Apple and Steve Jobs have changed, improved, and expanded on the way music is compiled, recorded, distributed, and played today.. THATS IT!!"
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lmao.. u can read my reply to this guy, above.. this dude takes shit and runs left field with it.. i mean he runs HARD wit it too.. i don't think he comprehends too well.. i know with a written word, things can and will be interpreted multiple ways, but more times then none, those ways will have some kinda similarity.. but in his world, his interpretations are mythical.. instead of admitting when he's wrong about something or maybe not wrong but misinterpreting something, he has to go into some long history lesson, and try his best to discredit whatever u say.. its obviously his defense mechanism.. and he swears he's making others look like fools.. when he's the one appearing to be what he's trying make others look like.. (check dude above talkin about him gettin "sonned".. ) even tho it was never my intend to "son" anyone.. he just asked for it with his asinine responses..
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dude.. u said ur man enough to admit when ur wrong.. but yet u continue to harp on something that NO ONE said.. please read again.. you are the ONLY one talking this revolutionary and re-revolutionary shit.. we didn't say that.. somewhere in your mind, u keep interpreting things that aren't there.. one dude said.. "kept the music industry relevant" and the other dude said "he changed the music game" stop with the fucking history lessons homie.. once again, its not necessary.. bottom line is Apple and Steve Jobs have changed, improved, and expanded on the way music is compiled, recorded, distributed, and played today.. THATS IT!!
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and he said "they don't know what da fuck dey talkin bout".. LMAO.. after reading my reply, i'll let others be the judge on that.. Clo, please don't try me.. im not the one to go into history lessons like u do, but i will show u how u make an ass out of yourself, when ur best bet sometimes is to not say anything..
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"Steve Jobs simply followed suit on what Napster, Morpheus & MusicMatch, and KaZaa were already doing" so why is itunes THE LARGEST music outlet right now? and who is responsible for THE LARGEST music outlet right now? and fyi, napster didnt start charging until 2003.. itunes was released in 2001.. and even tho the itunes store was released in 2003 as well, it was in beta stages as a pay site in 2002.. so who was following suit and who was working on "revolutionizing"? so please, start admitting where u were wrong now..
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where did anyone say anything about him keeping the whole music industry afloat?? no one acted as if music would have been obsolete without him either.. where the hell are u getting this from??? no one said music would have died without him... there u go reading TOO MUCH into something.. no one said any of these things..
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huh?? pay attention to who u responding too first..i don't need to reiterate shit.. and i damn sure didn't make any comments.. i asked a question.. calm yourself and reply to the correct person.. and once again, you must go into some detailed garbage about the specifics of what he did or didn't.. all that dude said that u initially replied to was "he changed the music game".. THATS IT... i could go into Apple's recent history to explain how Mac's have made a HUGE impact on how MUSIC is CREATED in the modern day, but for what.. u just gonna go into some over-the-top nonsense about how apple was created and a conspiracy theory..
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you go to any music studio and tell me what kinda of computers do u see?? (thats just for starters)
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"every other street nigga in da A still fuck Tip and you telling me wen he got ready to come his friend got arrested" LMFAO!!! sorry.. i know its just typo's (actually 2 words left out) i know u meant to put "still fuck WITH Tip" and "ready to come OUT".. but reading it as is was hilarious.. btw, im wit u on this one.. everyone talkin snitch shit but don't know shit about what they talking about.. hiding behind a computer judging another man that u don't know personally or going by shit u read online.. shameless.. get back to the music and stop getting wrapped up in rappers personal life.. most of these rappers don't live the life they speak of and we know this, but ya still listen to most of them because u appreciate the "music".. so stop focusing on a nigga's personal problems that ur not personally connected with..
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and this is why i prefer to go to an upscale bar then a sweaty ass club.. niggas fighting over Ciroc being better then Goose or what not.. lmao.. Don't get me wrong, Ciroc is good vodka.. but its NOTHING compared to Stoli Elit.. go to a "GOOD" bar and ask for a shot of Stoli Elit and u will NEVER want to drink anything else.. (make sure its chilled and neat) (granted, this went against all u said about Ciroc being too expensive for regular dudes, when Stoli Elit would cost at least 3 times more then Ciroc) I'm just saying.. everyone want to discuss this vodka or that vodka.. try Stoli Elit, discussion over..
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maybe its not about accomplishment anymore.. ie: what does patti labelle get out of creating music still???
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ok.. even tho i am replying to u, this is more generally speaking... when i get old (say around 50-60 years old) i don't want to be dressing like hip hop and still talking about rappers needing to constantly come out with lyrical heat.. how many times does a rapper need to prove how nice he is??? where does the point come in when a rapper thinks, i want to do something different (yeah it may not be excepted, but so what.. i already accomplished the lyrical shit.. ) WTT is just that.. its not dumbing down rap nor is it lyrical heat.. its creative, eclectic, and just plan out different.. and i can respect that.. (many cant understand THAT concept, just like many can't understand what makes a basquiat painting a great painting) and im not trying to change anyones opinions here, im just throwing a different perspective out there for people to consider.. at some point u have to get passed the past..
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