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Jim Mitchem
A tightly wound knot of paranoid emotional energy which manifests itself as words that I manipulate for money.
Recent Activity
Glad to hear you're on the mend, Stacey. After my own hospital trip from an intestinal malady in March, I completely empathize. If it was bacterial, and they've loaded you down with antibiotics, start consuming as many probiotics as possible.
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2012 on Recovering, Again at Stacey Simms Blog
Pablo Picasso once said, "Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist." Children. What a pain in the ass. They know nothing of the pressures of being grown up. They just come and go as they please, experiencing the world through tiny pink glasses that don't concern them with paying bills, voting for leaders or negotiating business deals. They're lucky. And they know it. Or, at least my kids do.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2011 at Obsessed with Conformity
Wow. Thanks for this, Mandy. So well told. And so sad. There are no answers, I don't think. Just constant reminders that we're pretty insignificant creatures in the realm of things. Love to all, jm
That's really good. The only other recruitment ad that may be better, was only one word:
1 reply
It was a perfect late afternoon in early summer. Hope Baker was tending to a bed of yellow roses in the front of her house. In a few moments, her husband would be home and she had a special dinner planned - complete with fresh cut flowers. Their daughter Michelle was on her way to Arizona for a job interview, and so they had the house all to themselves for the weekend. Starting with a... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
When you get up, you’re sleepy. You shower. Problem solved. You’re naked. You select clothes. Problem solved. You’re hungry. You eat. Problem solved. And so on. But if when the alarm goes off and you keep hitting the snooze button, or if you wear yesterday’s clothes, or you forget to eat - you’ve still got problems. But not you - you’re responsible. You’re a problem solver. Congratulations. As a problem solver, you don’t even realize... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Posted via email from Jim's posterous Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Earlier today I asked Twitter for topic suggestions so I could write a random post tonight. I've been working a lot lately and just don't carve out the time necessary to do what I do best – have conversations in my mind while I type. So I asked. And I received some pretty solid ideas. Surprisingly, there were even a few people who mistook me for a social media expert and wanted me to talk... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Originally posted 8 November 2009 as 'I Dreamed a Dream' I had this dream the other night that Sir Richard Branson (@richardbranson) DM'd me to invite me to contact him off line. I did. He asked whether I'd be interested in participating in a bit of crowdsourcing. It seemed that Virgin America was prepared to launch a new North American advertising campaign and were in the process of querying various concept artists to find the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
A couple weeks back, a cockroach made its way past the invisible chemical barrier around the outside of our house, and into the hallway. This is what happened. Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Bullying may never cease to exist as long as humans run this joint. After all, men desire power. Our only saving grace may be to remember that, as humans, we do have the capacity to change. Continue reading
Posted Oct 22, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Thanks Marie. I fear critique groups at this stage. I just need to get some things out, that are bouncing around in my head. Finding the time to qualify them and organize them are my biggest obstacle right now. Committing to doing more than short works is my challenge.
Toggle Commented Oct 21, 2010 on I Need a Mentor at Obsessed with Conformity
1 reply
Download now or listen on posterous contradictions.m4a (2094 KB) Anyone who has ever gotten close to me has left. Except my wife. I suspect one day my daughters will leave, too. It won’t be their fault. They’ll still love me. But they won’t be able to deal with me at close range. I used to wonder about why this is, but after a lifetime of failed relationships and trying to change myself to fit into... Continue reading
Posted Oct 20, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
I love you for that comment, Nichole.
Toggle Commented Oct 14, 2010 on A Modest Proposal at Obsessed with Conformity
1 reply
I wasn’t happy when they took God out of our schools, but somehow we let that pass. We cannot, however, afford to let the unnatural act of homosexual marriage take root here. Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
I need a mentor. I need to find someone who believes in my talent as a writer to help me get over the hump. Continue reading
Posted Oct 12, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
So here we are back in puppyhood again. It will be as fun as it is challenging. But thanks to genetics, we feel like we know what we're getting into. Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
So, it's against some religions to go to public school? And for the record, all religions are businesses. Also, poor children go to public school. Not private school. Poorer children have LESS access to the internet than kids who aren't as poor. Let's call those kids private school kids. Thus, this 'contest' that the public school kids didn't 'win' was skewed to the rich religious kids in the first place. This contest was a really bad idea. Sorry man.
1 reply
So here I am back at the pediatric dentist, or as i like to call it - the scene of the great laughing gas incident of 2010. Since there are no teeth being extracted this time, both girls were at ease in the drive over after school. After filling out the green form letting the dentist know that we haven’t tried to do any dental work on our own, the girls disappeared into the abyss... Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Why do private schools exist to begin with? As a business. Every child has the opportunity to attend public school, but because of personal reasons some folks choose to pay for their children to attend private school. And that costs money. If these schools need money, raise tuition. It's that simple. And if the student's family isn't able to pay this tuition - there's always the public school option. I could go on a rant about how I think that private schools get over on their clients to begin with, but I'll leave it at that. Like it or not, the majority of students in this country who stand to benefit most from such benevolence attend public schools. Despite your pointing out that many private school children are in desperate need.
1 reply
Thanks for your concern, but since this is my blog and I feel strongly about this topic, I'll say whatever the hell I damn well please thank you very much. Why do private schools exist to begin with? As a business. Every child has the opportunity to attend public school, but because of personal reasons some folks choose to pay for their children to attend private school. And that costs money. If these schools need money, raise tuition. It's that simple. And if the student's family isn't able to pay this tuition - there's always the public school option. I could go on a rant about how I think that private schools get over on their clients to begin with, but I'll leave it at that. Like it or not, the majority of students in this country who stand to benefit most from such benevolence attend public schools. Despite your pointing out that many private school children are in desperate need.
1 reply
Great commercial. Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
I can't sleep. It's 3:30 a.m. and I'm on a plane somewhere over Utah, or Colorado, heading from the west coast of North America back east. And this is what happened. Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity
Last Friday marked the 15th anniversary of the day I proposed to my girlfriend. I remember it well. We were making a getaway to the mountains of Vermont, and as far as she knew it was just another trip (you know, the kind you take before you have kids.) After a six-hour drive, we checked into Rabbit Hill Inn and then took a walk around the grounds, holding hands. The foliage was just beginning to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2010 at Obsessed with Conformity