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Hilary Smith
Recent Activity
you know how when you listen to an album a lot you go through phases of songs... like the first week 'Hardwire' was my favourite, the next it was 'Raw Sugar', then 'On the Sly'...
well, i guess i loved Hardwire for the awesome part immediately following Jimmy's vocals where the synthesizer is going up and down and you feel like you're going through a tunnel filled with neon disco lights and crazy drug-fuelled dancers inviting you to join them...
billiant! xx
Ittssss Metric Monday! The day of the week where...
Ittssss Metric Monday! The day of the week where we focus on one Metric song and talk about what we love about it, what our favourite line is from it, what we don't like about it, etc. Song in focus: Hardwire
Hilary Smith is now following Metric
Feb 23, 2010
Hilary Smith is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 23, 2010
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