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Yes, now we are getting somewhere! It's such simple, common sense idea, that boards should engage in meaningful ways with their own shareholders, and I look forward to the day when the dialogue that John and Nell refer to is the reality, and not the dream.
A Director's Duty to Inform
Law books will tell you that directors of public companies have two duties: care (showing up, doing their homework, paying attention) and loyalty (making sure that corporate activities benefit the shareholders and not management to the detriment of shareholder interests). But Betsy Atkins, an ex...
I'm all for a better balance of men and women on corporate boards, but I can't help but be impatient for the day when the conversation is more about holistic systems for boards that create true alignment between shareholder wishes, board leadership and actual results. Can we leap-frog over the quotas for women on boards idea, and go straight to *that* conversation? (Blog article:
Women on Boards issue gaining mainstream attention
The "women on boards" issue is starting to attract more attention from major media outlets. In an article published on March 21, 2011 in Agenda Week (a Financial Times publication) Tony Chappelle, citing GMI data, explained that "the number of female board members in the U.S. inched up to 12...
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Mar 23, 2011
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