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San Francisco, California
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Thank you all! I appreciate the support very much.
C.C. You're bound to have a friend with a spare bedroom, unused summer place, or something of that nature. Ask to borrow for a weekend. At least that's what I've done in the past.
Book Update: A Lot Done, So Much to Go...
So I'm working on a book. It's a collection of essays called "Practical Classics: Rereading your Favorite Books from High School English Class" 50 essays, each one arguing for why a book from high school can be useful to you as a grownup. It'll be published by Prometheus Books and will be availa...
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Mar 15, 2010
How could I forget?!
One Sentence Movie Review: "Sugar Town"
Sugar Town (1999): "One of my favorite film genres is the 'could-double-as-a-one-act-matinee' genre." Notes: Allison Anders is a hero of mine. Eagerly awaiting another Mi Vida Loca.
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