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Eric H.
Recent Activity
Facebook is at it again, this time it’s changing the “like” button. It’s interesting how a single “like” can summarize a whole post that someone puts up. By posting numerous “likes” on a picture or post it could actually make it more viral. But according to the Huffington Post, Facebook has been playing around with and even testing a "Sympathize" button to better capture people's reactions to tragedies and sad life events. That would be a nice start, but there are certainly a number of other emotions we'd like to see captured with simple one-click buttons. ABC news has come... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2013 at Global Media News
A new mobile app called LiveSafe allows college students to track crimes on campus, and report incidents or tips directly to the university police department. LiveSafe is founded by Shy Pahlevani, who orginially created the app under the name CrimePush. He previously worked for, a company that helps parents protect their kids in digital environments. CrimePush garnered more than 100,000 downloads, but served primarily as a way for the public to anonymously report tips to authorities. As the company narrowed its focus to the higher education market and added new features, it changed the name to LiveSafe according to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2013 at Global Media News
Digital humanitarian volunteers have been tagging images onto social media in the aftermath of Typhoon Yolanda. They have been using the new Micromappers Imageclicker to rate the level of damage in each image and posting it on social media. The volunteers have posted over 7,000 images. Images tagged as “Mild” and “Severe” damage are then geo-located by members of the Standby Volunteer Task Force (SBTF) who have partnered with GISCorps and ESRI to create this live Crisis Map of the disaster damage tagged using the ImageClicker according to iRevolution. Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2013 at Global Media News
Internet search engines have been a growing trend over the past two decades. They have grown dramatically with the expansion of technology such as the smartphone. By having a smartphone it lets you use the search engines in the palm of your hand at almost any time. Search engines act as a sort of library, for all people who are involved in the internet community. Google and Bing may be great search engines but they act as a threat for many people. Some adults may look back at there teens and may suffer for what they have posted on social... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2013 at Global Media News
Bitcoins are starting to catch everyone’s eye ever since the Silk Road bust by the FBI last month. Bitcoin’s are virtual currency that anyone can own anonymously. They can be exchanged by person-to-person. There is no bank or central monetary authority that regulates it such as the Federal Reserve. The market is completely unregulated, so it's "buyer beware." Some of the exchanges have created feedback systems to root out unscrupulous users, according to USA Today. The idea came up first in 1998 on the online community. It became available in usable form in 2009. There is about $1.5 billion of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2013 at Global Media News
Bitcoins are an anonymous, decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency. It’s based on methods of cryptography similar to those used to protect confidential emails. This new form of money is actually changing how the black market is working. Compared to older forms of electronic money, no company controls Bitcoin, nor ever could: all the rules about how it works are embedded into the very operation of trade, including the rate of inflation and how to verify transactions. In order to transfer Bitcoins out of a “wallet”, the name for the digital file which contains the encrypted information necessary to spend the currency,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 13, 2013 at Global Media News
An app named Healthtap, has been creating some buzz lately after they heard from their 10,000th user who said the site “saved her life”. Since the founding in 2012, the site has logged over a billion health questions and answers. The app has changed how people obtain there information involving their current health issues. The founder Ron Gutman, doesn’t care about how many users or how popular the app gets, all he wants from this is to make difference in people’s lives. By creating this app it helps people to diagnose there certain situations without having to spend the time... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2013 at Global Media News
As Twitter evolves into one of the top social networking platforms that over 200 million monthly users use, there grows a new definition of free speech. The application has become more popular with the explosion in population of smart phones. The list of users grows each day, therefore changing how people speak and obtain information on a daily basis. (The Guardian) Twitter has become one of the leading methods of distributing breaking news. One of the most notable users is the US government. They use Twitter to deliver breaking news to the mainstream media. The government also uses twitter to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2013 at Global Media News
As time goes on smartphones are becoming more accessible to areas of society in the United States. People don’t need to have large amounts of money to buy masses amounts of camera gear to be a photographer. But with the latest technology in smartphones and photography apps, at least there’s a chance to pretend. As smartphones increase in production there comes a new generation of photojournalism that we have never seen. “Smartphones are able to capture and transmit in breaking news situations now more than ever. In those situations, a smartphone allows you to respond quicker and distribute images immediately.... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2013 at Global Media News
All across the country of Venezuela there is a form of panic running through every journalists mind. Even though the country is sitting on the highest oil reserve in the world, they are unable to buy basic necessities. The countries publishers are unable to have access to supplies such as paper to print their news stories. Almost every local press is either out of paper or will be out within a few weeks. Ever since currency controls enacted a decade ago by the by the former president Hugo Chavez of Venezuela as reported by USA Today. The currency controls have... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2013 at Global Media News
How much longer can we trust the United States government spying on us? It's one thing for the NSA to spy on the US citizens and keep the information for themselves, but it’s another thing when the government is giving out info to unknown countries without filtering it. Ever since the Edward Snowden leaks of the NSA keeping an eye on our emails, texts and phone calls there has been numerous investigations by many journalists around the world to uncover what is really going on in this technology age. As time goes by more and more world leaders have been... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2013 at Global Media News
With Monday’s Microsoft’s $7.2 billion purchase of Nokia’s phone business there is a new hope of glimmer to a face on an ageing company. Microsoft is hoping to mirror what Apple is producing in the phone industry. They are hoping to bring their own software into a one of a kind phone, just like what Apple has done. Microsoft will enter an industry that is already ruled by more established companies such as Google and Apple. They both have designed exclusive apps that lured people into choosing their phones. Nokia has already made a name for themselves in the past... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2013 at Global Media News
Ever since the devastating attacks on the Twin Towers in NYC on Sept. 11, 2001, the chances of a second devastating attack by al-Qaida or a similar group has been on the minds of many Americans for over a decade. There have been many discussions as to whether terrorist groups... Continue reading
Posted Nov 14, 2011 at Eric H.
The Wall Street Journal has noted that in 2007 CD sales have gone down 20% since the same week in 2006. Techcrunch. The seven year decline in CD sales doesn’t look to be turning around anytime soon. Since the legal music downloading sales are increasing by 50% or so a... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2011 at Eric H.
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Sep 8, 2011