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The Snee
United States
Wacky rearview mirror perspectives to keep you grinning.
Recent Activity
Bazza! What a treat to hear from you. Snow free London sounds lovely. To those who bloom when the snow is plentiful, this winter is pure joy! For me......I am more a maiden of fair weather. Hope you and your family are well.
Thank you! Lucky Snee to have you read about this critical issue in New England. On a serious note, the funny bone is particularly vulnerable to the exertion brought on by roof raking, path shoveling and ice chopping. One can only wonder how the ole' bone will hold up when the white stuff melts and the mud rises-up to the porch.
Hi Gary! Don't you mean sneeality? I am grinning ear to ear after reading your astute comparison of the lifestyle disadvantages of occasional furniture to outdoor furniture. A furniture union is perhaps in order. Thanks for swinging by to read The Snee's "occasional post". I miss you!
Snow-covered patio furniture took their complaints to the New Hampshire State Supreme Court after being buried for weeks under excessive snow banks. Patio Furniture reps report that Continue reading
Hello Gary, Yes, I admit that the live serenade was a real motivator. I'm told that the Cardinals in America, that you referred to, got a bit batty during the deliberations because they were worried that the conclaved Cardinals were going to drop the ball:) Always good to get giddy with you Gary!
No Jack, Thank you! I could only hope that a sound man and haiku aficionado like yourself could appreciate original Papal Karaoke video streaming.
Reporters at THE SNEE just got wind of a breaking news story! Because....YES...THE SNEE was in the Sistine Chapel serenading the poor isolated Chaps who were forbidden, YES, FORBIDDEN from accessing all social media! All signals were jammed to keep the voting top secret. Click here to hear THE SNEE's motivational song that helped the Cardinals start tweeting again! Continue reading
Hi Mike, and welcome to THE SNEE! Heehee. Yes.....and just what do Ostriches know about the Gulf Stream?
Hi Joyce, How nice to hear from you! To become a Top Computer Model, you must be willing to show off all of your curves on the big screen no matter the weather:)
Hi Jayne, I wonder if his cuddle toy of choice would more likely be his favorite outerwear for braving all those brutal high wind that blow water sideways. It is always good to see you here. Thanks for swinging by!
Hi Gary, I am so happy that THE SNEE could bring weather porn to your attention. There is truly nothing better than sitting down with a Top Computer Model and watching her curves move up and down the screen as the winds blows. Sometimes the experience can really be quite stormy:) Thanks so much for popping in for a meteorologic laptop dance. THE SNEE is always happy to see you. Take care!
Sid, you wouldn't personally know someone who watches The Weather Channel like a cliff-hanging television serial, would you? Because, it you knew such a person, I'm sure you would save her from herself.....right?
Hi Bazza, I'm not going to lie. I had you in mind when I posted that New York Times Link. I didn't think you could resist and, Yes, the article is truly 'orographic'! Here in New England, we are also preoccupied with the weather, so I get it. Be well Bazza and see you at To Discover Ice.
Wait, don't leave! I will miss you in the blogosphere! I am glad that you plan on channeling your creative juices into a novel. I can't wait to read it! I also wanted to reiterate my deep appreciation for your constant support since I first opened up THE SNEE's virtual window. You will be greatly missed, though I will certainly connect up with you on other sites. Be well, Kelly.
Heehee. Sadly....I know this to be true.
Thanks Lauren, I do slip off the radar when life gets busy, but I am so happy that you keep track of your computer monitor when I do post:)
WOW Static! You really blew me away with your cleverly embedded response. It is very good to see you at THE SNEE.
Weather never looked so sexy. Meteorologists across the world are so excited by computer stimulation models that they can't stop staring at them."Computer Models have curves and bust out of the television screen whenever they anticipate a storm," explained The Weather Channel's well-known and intrepid reporter, Jim Cantore. "Really, nothing is more of Continue reading
Hi Daniel, and Welcome to THE SNEE! I appreciate your visit, and I'm glad that you didn't completely lose your way the way I lose my socks. I swung by your site, but still need to leave a comment. I love laughter, and it looks like you do too.
Hi Jack, What if you wear a raincoat? Does that give me any leeway?
So nice to hear from you Bazza! I know I've been out of the blog loop. I will see if I can regain my momentum, or.......if I get distracted by other things. Be well!
Thanks Lauren. I'm back, but the question consistently. Talk to you soon:)
While former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney was engaged in an election debate with President Barack Obama, Ann Romney was busily scoping out the fashion week runways in Paris to look for the perfect gown to wear to the inaugural ball. Unfortunately, on her way to Continue reading
Thanks for dropping in on THE SNEE, Steve. Your Joke site is fun.