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Brat, princess, really actually a nice friendly person ;P
Interests: Paris Hilton, animals, horror movies, fun and laughter, lindsay lohan and britney spears, quoting, movies & tv.
Recent Activity
Hey guys! I am popping in to let you know that Edward has unfortunately had his NetBook stolen and lost his access to the site. He wanted me to let you all (and of course Paris xD) know why he's... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2012 at Paris Hilton
Thanks guys! :D And Ed you know it's true! ha ha ha and yes please don't make it hard on the boys :P.
Commented Mar 17, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
FairyPrincessMe shared a video on YouTube at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
FairyPrincessMe added a photo at Paris Hilton
Fantasy courtesy of me, baby lets go.
Mar 16, 2012
FairyPrincessMe added a photo at Paris Hilton
French fingertips, red lips, bitch is dangerous.
Mar 16, 2012
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
Ha hey Lance! You know there is no way Paris would hate you!!
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
Baby Luv was so cute.
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
Edwards two loves are Paris Hilton and coffee! :D
Lol oh shush we all have our dreams. And I bet Paris would if she could!
FairyPrincessMe added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Mar 16, 2012
Awesome! And hey dude! :D xo
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2012 on Hey guys, gorgeous pics at X17 of P. at Paris Hilton
I still keep an eye on things even if I'm not posting dude xD. But yeah it's great to talk to you again. Things couldn't be better for me! How are you?
Ed! Thanks dude I am doing really well lately. Looks like you are too xD. Nice to see you! LOL yeah Tommy we do wash our hair..:P
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
FairyPrincessMe added a photo at Paris Hilton
Hey Paris :D, I just felt like I needed to tell you again how thankful I am. I feel really blessed and just so happy to have been noticed by you so many times and wanted to say that I do it all purely for the love and support of you. Supporting you and talking about you and collecting your products makes me happy, it makes my life better in a way I can't even explain. All I know is I am having fun, feel super happy and like I have another big sister to look up to and love :). Things haven't always been good for me but you showed me how strong, confident and unstoppable a woman can be. You helped me get back up when I was hurting and I'll always love you for that, and for the support you've given me personally. You mean so much to your fans Paris! We all love you! <333333
Mar 15, 2012
FairyPrincessMe is now following ParisHiltonxox
Mar 15, 2012
Dawwww too sweet! I love it!
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2012 on No title at Paris Hilton
FairyPrincessMe is now following Nikolay Hilton
Mar 15, 2012