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sobia and atyia
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Custormer comment cards= carefully planned and...
Custormer comment cards= carefully planned and well-written customer comment card allows the customer to express their opinion and provide valuable feedback. This form of store evaluation not only helps measure customer satisfaction, but also shows the retailer what areas of operation may need additional resources. The customer comment card is a great way to collect testimonials. It can also be a great tool for receiving complaints. Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Sobias's blog
Infromation about custormer service -Infromal...
Infromation about custormer service -Infromal custormer feedback=When you finish a meal and a waiter asks you if evrything was fine, this is a cheap, easy and informal way of getting custormer feedback.other methods include watching custormers as they enter and leave and chatting to them. -Custormer Questionnairs=Many Organisations send out regular online questionaires to a representative customer group to check their views for an example tesco, if you go on there website a survey pops out and it asks you if you have got five mins Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2010 at Sobias's blog
The most important thing about custormer servcie...
The most important thing about custormer servcie is to listen to your custormers. If staff do this the custormers will feel happy and you know what the customers want. The company's can also send out surveys. plan- Companies have to plan what they are going to do, in order to become succesful Sort- Companies have to sort out there questionairs that they get form custormers Measure-Companies have to measure how much money they are getting or how many custormers come to the shop Implement-So the companies have to make it happen Consider-Companie's have to consider wheather or not to make... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Sobias's blog
1-how to you measure custormer sales renewal...
1-how to you measure custormer sales renewal rates.The shops keep there custormers happy and provide them a good service.Like tesco they provide a service to there custormers, and keep there custormers happy. 2-no. of quries or complaints about your products or services=not liking some thing or the number of complaints about your employees. This is bad custormer service. 3-no. of damaged or faulty goods returned back.Like if you go to tesco and buy an electrical item and it keeps breaking that is not good custormer service. 4-average order fulfiment times, how quick they complete if you go to a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Sobias's blog
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can...
Welcome to TypePad! This is a sample post you can edit or delete later. Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2010 at Sobias's blog
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Jan 19, 2010
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