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I'm a retired teacher with 3 grown up children and a beautiful granddaughter.
Interests: music, reading, craft activities, gardening, walking and being a granny.
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Mar 15, 2010
I'd like to become properly involved in something that really fulfills me. Also I'd like a permanent job.
2009 - what sort of a year will it be?
I must admit that I tend not to think ahead too much. I wish I did. I know that people who plan their futures are sometimes disappointed when it doesn't turn out the way they would like it to, but they also have the chance of planning in opportunities and making their own luck. I've mostly bee...
John ... Nothing like overstating your case.
You wouldn't be related to Honest Tony would you?
To be fair, I did toy briefly with “Bachelor” and, for an even more briefly'er moment “Gay Divorcee” - but I decided that for overall honesty and to avoid possible misconceptions “Divorcee” was very much the way to go here. I make this post in order to state the blindingly obvious - so obvious i...
It's sardines on toast isn't it.
Anyway, I prefer bread and butter pudding and I know someone who makes delicious bread and butter pudding.
Evaporated Milk and Mandarins
I've just had something to eat that I have not had for years. I wonder if you can guess what it is? It brought back memories of early childhood tea-time's - Sunday evenings and one very naughty Monday morning. Smashing. Thank you Carnation - and thank you to hat we used to lovingly call “Evap”....
That's right, you stick with that. I'd go for the procrastination very first thing .... go on, think about it, oh yes ... that's right, mmmmmm ... now, how about that nice cup of coffee, oh look, there's a biscuit needs eating ....
Very very lax indeed
Aren't I? Yes. Yes I am. So much to write about, and as ever that's when there's least time and energy to write. It's not that I don't care. It's that I care too much. Yeah right. I wanted to write about toilet seats and how rubbish the attachment mechanism is that we all use. I have yet to fin...
Peppermint tea?
A matter of taste
Many things that are intended for consumption come if lots of different flavours. Fizzy drinks, sweets, crisps, even tea. Some things are a bit boring in the flavour-variety department. Think of toothpaste, mouthwash and chewing gum. Why is it that these things only seem to be available in mint ...
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