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Socrates Ramirez
Emprendedor, con conocimientos en el Marketing online, redes Sociales, Marketing de Afiliados y Marketing con Redes. Actualmente promociona productos y servicios de Negocios por Internet basados en el hogar.
Interests: conociendo a twitter, orientado para negocios, twitter en tu negocio, twitter en tu nicho de mercado, ganar dinero con twitter
Recent Activity
This analysis may indicate a size standard larger than the current standard
If firms entering an industry under review have honest er capital requirements than firms do in industries in the anchor comparison group, all factors remaining the same, this would be a basis for supporting a size standard higher than the anchor standard. For example, detailed industry data are available only... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
If firms entering an industry under review have super er capital requirements than firms do in industries in the anchor comparison group, all factors remaining the same, this would be a basis for supporting a size standard higher than the anchor standard
First, if a size standard is raised, there would likely be a transfer of some Federal contracts from large seafood restaurants to small jewelry businesses . Besides the December 2004 ANPRM, in the summer of 2005 SBA also held a series of 11 public hearings throughout the coun try on... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Some industrial economists suggest that varying size standards may serve as a tool in ensuring that small hair salons are receiving the targeted level of Federal assistance
Data limitations preclude an extensive analysis of pool halls on a geographical basis. For the above reasons, SBA has decided not to apply this approach for establishing size standards. In addition to compiling program output data, such as the number of clients served, since 2003 the SBAs Office of Entrepreneurial... Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Before deciding to do business with them, you must have enough information about their working activity and their past business record
Another group that plays a strong role in helping minority bike shops compete in the modern marketplace and secure the necessary minority business loans is the National Minority Business Council, Inc. The lender also wants to know how you plan to pay back the loan. Aspiring entrepreneurs need to meet... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Some franchisees pay cash, others take out home equity loans or tap into their retirement savings
Consider for a moment that with the current state of economy, reputable funding companies and other lenders are tightening up and changing the requirements that must be met to obtain a loan. At least that has been my observations. Its important to understand that the purpose of the SBA is... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Banks prefer to lend money to franchise concepts which they have a positive track record, so the best place to start is with your franchisor
Capital Lenders willingness to approve a loan increases as you put more capital into the business. A major misperception among business owners, regarding SBA loans is that they are all the same. This plan should include information such as exactly how much capital is needed, and what this capital would... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
But that does not mean that bad credit borrower women are not eligible for a fresh loan
The bad credit business loan can make a difference in borrowers in purchasing site, constructing the office or the factory, purchasing furniture, machines and raw materials hiring employees and paying all other business expenses. To apply for a bad credit business loan the borrower must fulfill the basic criteria, like... Continue reading
Posted Aug 26, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Debit card issuers with less than $10 billion in assets would be exempt from the regulation, which means that smaller financial institutions may receive a larger interchange fee than larger issuers
This is obviously a terrible position to be in. This amendment would also have delayed implementation of the Durbin Amendment and required a study. These loans are flexible and can be attained to meet any of your needs. Like any other human beings, the fair sexes have wishes and desires... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Typically, hedge funds make short term, liquid investments
Discipline am I talking like a school teacher May be. In case of a new business, you may need money to meet the initial requirements such as buying raw materials, office place, furniture, manpower and other resources. In collaboration with Federal Reserve team members, McKinsey worked from June to October... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
With these staggering facts, it is safe to say that women becoming entrepreneurs is a world wide phenomenon
Unfortunately, it is words such as these that create gender stereotypes and condescending false perceptions which in turn create invisible yet powerful threats to the careers of women leaders. There are a number of similarities between check and debit card payments. These entrepreneurs are often older (average age 55), are... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
While these small business initiatives contribute to economic growth and job creation, its Canadian corporations that suffer from the brain drain
These service providers offer varying levels of check guarantee and verification services that are structured in various ways. Before you apply for the various grants for starting a business, it is critical that you get your merchant statements together. Still, raising reserve requirements, for example, depresses a banks?ability to lend,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Women entrepreneurs and business owners can gain access to business capital and work with local community partners of their lending institution as soon as their application is complete
If an owner possesses more collateralized properties and/or second mortgages, the more likely the owner will want to borrow. However, in the last few short years, as Canada has become more engaged in a global marketplace, the value of women at the senior executive leadership level is becoming more of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Your best bet is to go to your states web site and search under business assistance benefits
As well, several local and national award and recognition programs have helped to highlight the successes of these women business owners. It is still not easy for women to qualify or get approved for womens business loans but the sheer number of women in business is making it hard to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 7, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
There are also many womens business organizations in the United States who not only provide advice but also assign mentors and coaches to make a difference in women get the womens landscaping business advances they need
Women were 25 thirds less likely to try to borrow than were men, other factors equal. She must have nominated herself. Emotional attachment to something is not always an asset in big business, but it is helpful if you want to start a small business online as you will likely... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
They promise women food distributor grants are easy to find and even easier to get
With comments like. Just as twenty four woman rises to the top, all the rest of the women reach up and pull her back down. The government and other organizations have a excellent interest in the success of your business, which is why women bar and grill grants are available.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
One will consider at risk, if the support line is broken, which indicates that supply is now clearly in command
This means that any graphic design business that shops, sells or advertises in more than 11 state is subject to such regulation, and this includes even the smallest of mail order operations. Focus on the products or services where your overhead is lowest and your profit margin is highest. You... Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Afirmaciones Positivas Y Como se Deben Crear para Evitar el Saboteo Mental
Unos de los habitos menos usados es el de usar el poder de las afirmaciones positivas... Esta es una de las técnicas pioneras en la metafÃsica práctica, y su efectividad ha sido demostrada a lo largo de décadas. El Poder de las Afirmaciones Positvas Una afirmación es una frase que... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
This is no time to be incurring unnecessary expenses, and you should in fact be making efforts to tighten things up and keep the costs of running your online used car dealership as low as possible
Hold yourself accountable for both your successes and your failures. The impact of regulations on plans of firms especially these extra who are technology based limits the venture capital funding for these firms and affect what they can or intend to do and eventually limiting their capabilities to employ new... Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Los Archivos Mentales para Generar Prosperidad y Abundancia
El Comienzo Para Generar Prosperidad y Abundancia Todo comienza con tus pensamientos, que son producidos por tu mente, aunque la gran mayorÃa no tengamos ni idea de cómo funciona este aparato llamado mente. En este articulo echaremos un vistazo para ver como funciona... La mente es un archivador de información... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Toma de Conciencia en Si Mismo
La conciencia en si mismo es fundamental para la penetración psicológica; esta es la facultad que gran parte de la psicoterapia intenta fortalecer. En efecto, el modelo Howard Gardner con respecto a la inteligencia intrapsiquica es Sigmund Freud, el gran cartógrafo de la dinámica secreta de la psiquis. Como dejo... Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Facebook Ads Vs Googlee Adwords, El Ganador Al Final De Este Articulo...
Facebook Ads Vs Google Adwords ¿Quien PodrÃa Ganar? Facebook y Google no son los protagonistas aqui como todos pensamos. Mientras el primero es una red social, el segundo es un motor de búsqueda, y las intenciones y los niveles de participación de la audiencia en cada uno es totalmente diferente.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 2, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Facebook Ads Vs Googlee Adwords, El Ganador Al Final De Este Articulo...
Facebook Ads Vs Google Adwords ¿Quien PodrÃa Ganar? Facebook y Google no son los protagonistas aqui como todos pensamos. Mientras el primero es una red social, el segundo es un motor de búsqueda, y las intenciones y los niveles de participación de la audiencia en cada uno es totalmente diferente.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Facebook Ads Vs Googlee Adwords, El Ganador Al Final De Este Articulo...
Facebook Ads Vs Google Adwords ¿Quien PodrÃa Ganar? Facebook y Google no son los protagonistas aqui como todos pensamos. Mientras el primero es una red social, el segundo es un motor de búsqueda, y las intenciones y los niveles de participación de la audiencia en cada uno es totalmente diferente.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
10000 Suscriptores en 7 dÃas Como Obtener Dinero Rapido
Como Obtener Dinero Rapido y No Morir en el Intento Una de las preguntas más comunes es ¿cómo obtener dinero rápido usando internet o con los negocios por internet? Y realmente con este programa si se puede obtener el dinero rápido, sin embargo no todo es un abrir y cerrar... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
Multinivel - Como encontrar personas interesadas en entrar a un multinivel
Realidad con los prospectos multinivel Miles de personas alrededor del mundo han aceptado la oferta de sumarse como distribuidores de alguna empresa de multinivel, sin tener conocimiento de lo que se deberá hacer en los dÃas, semanas, meses y años posteriores. Muchas veces las presentaciones son tan atractivas que el... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2013 at Socrates Ramirez's blog
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