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Sounds like a good, basic book on church marketing. I'm sure I'd learn a lot!
Book Giveaway: Church Marketing 101
I've been a church communications guy, aka church marketing guy for just a few short years and I've been giving away some of the books that I've found formative in my thinking. Church Marketing 101 by Richard Reising is another one of those books. Just like the last two week's book giveaway...
Sounds like a great read. As a graphic designer, I play a role in church communications and I want to help ensure that we communicate exactly how and what we want to say.
Do You Ever Wonder Why People Aren't Getting your Message?
If you are like me sometimes people don't seem to always understand what I'm trying to say. I'm a quiet kind of guy. Sometimes I mumble. Sometimes I ramble on and complicate what should be a simple answer or explanation in a conversation. Many churches are like me in the way they communicate...
Sounds like a great read! -@sodgers
Can You Brand Faith?
I've been away on holiday and part of my reading has been 'Branding Faith - Why some churches and nonprofits impact culture and others don't' by Phil Cooke (Actually, its a re-read. This book is THAT good - It's been a long time since I've re-read a book on communications). It's a brilliant boo...
Sodgers is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 22, 2010
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