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How do I cite a work that has been annotated by someone? Say "The Annotated Walden"? Should I put the name of the editor in parentheses after the Title or should I shift the editor's name to the position of the author?
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I have three questions: 1.How do I cite, in the reference list, a chapter from a non-English book which I have referred to in the paper? Are we required to provide translations of the titles of both the chapter name and book name within parentheses? 2. What if I am citing a sixteenth century Bengali book the name of which is untranslatable? 3. I am getting really confused while presenting my translation of a non-English quote, especially in a larger sentence. I know that we are not allowed to put quotes around the translation, but what if the translation is part of a sentence and not a single standalone sentence in itself? How do I distinguish it from the rest of the sentence of which the translation is a a part? It would be great if you could help me out. Thanks.
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Soham_DB is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 26, 2019