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@Davemart Tesla and VW are on the right path with heavy, long distance freight. Hydrogen is economically unviable in freight with the current 15 EUR/kg prices and there is no established development path to anything remotely competitive with electricity on the hydrogen roadmap. With european driver regulations even the current 450 kW Ionity chargers could be viable but Tesla Megachargers will be perfect. I don't see hydrogen having any chance in long distance freight whatsoever.
This is looking better and better. I hope the carbon border adjustment mechanism of the EU will hit all climate denying, laggard countries hard. If this becomes a trend, the EU will nicely re-industrialize and co2 polluter countries loose a lot of business.
@Davemart As I remember, people - here on GCC - have been highly skeptical of hydrogen usage in road transport, not in general. I still think that battery electric is the way to go in the road transport sector. Hydrogen cost and efficiency is still really bad in comparisson with battery tech. Green Hydrogen will very likely have a significant role in industry, (green steel) agriculture (fertilizer) and energy services (long term storage). Great that we finally see significant electrolyser production capacity being built out.
So this doesn' t stop the relative fast capacity fading of the LiS cell, it only stops the catastrophic failure of the cell due to short circuiting by the dendrites?
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Mar 31, 2018