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A Stoner Independent Movie gamer mixtapes lovin-Fool
Interests: movies,muzik,gaming,mixtapes,djs.
Recent Activity
"she can still take a hit"
Rihanna Looks Dazed & Confused During A Smoke Break
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are back at it giving y'all, my loyal doggies, a chance to capture the final word(s). The "Best We've Ever Read" headline gets to hold down that Cap Diss crown for a whole week. Who run it?
"She can still take a hit"
Rihanna Looks Dazed & Confused During A Smoke Break
For Caption Diss, the good ol' folks at SOHH are back at it giving y'all, my loyal doggies, a chance to capture the final word(s). The "Best We've Ever Read" headline gets to hold down that Cap Diss crown for a whole week. Who run it?
Sonny is now following
Jan 31, 2012
Sonny is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 31, 2012
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