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Megan Tietz
the wind-swept plains of Oklahoma
I'm sorta crunchy as in sorta granola, sorta hippie, and always in my barefeet.
Interests: reading, writing, photography, babywearing, vaccine injury awareness, and simple living., raising up babies, christian spirituality. attachment parenting, breastfeeding advocacy (in infancy and beyond)
Recent Activity
Where you can find me now!
Thank you for finding me here in my long-time home on the web. Thing is, I don't live here anymore. You can now find me every single Friday on my podcast, Sorta Awesome. Find us in iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2015 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Andy, how I LOVED reading these thoughts from you. So fun, so cool to be there with you in all of the YOU that you are. Thanks for taking the time to write this up.
"I don’t know in hindsight how successful I was in achieving that purpose, but something else happened entirely that caught me by a huge surprise. With all this build up on how I was striving to be really seen, what struck me most was what I saw instead." This? TOTALLY.
high school reunion, part three
This week I'm sharing three perspectives on the decision of whether or not to attend a twenty year high school reunion. All three voices are from the same high school in a small town, so the circumstances (school, town, class, dynamics) are roughly similar. And yet each approach to this event wa...
"And she’s doing some cool stuff right now that I’m really glad I didn’t miss. Not just in basketball, but as a human." Oh, I loved that. This is SUCH an exciting time for these oldest kiddos of ours. I so wish the scheduling would have allowed you to be there because it would have been SO fun to share a table and lots of laughs with y'all, but I totally see where you are coming from on this and I think you spoke to it perfectly!
high school reunion, part two
This week I'm sharing three perspectives on the decision of whether or not to attend a twenty year high school reunion. All three voices are from the same high school in a small town, so the circumstances (school, town, class, dynamics) are roughly similar. And yet each approach to this event wa...
This goes so far beyond awsome, I cannot even stand it. FANTASTIC guide, friend. Thank you for this!!!
sorta awesome podcast (and how to listen to podcasts 101)
I am so excited to be a part of Megan Tietz's new podcast Sorta Awesome. Megan is the queen of interesting content, both on her blog (which she closed at the beginning of the year) and on her popular FB page, plus she has about the sexiest voice I've ever heard, so you can see why podcasting w...
I am SO GLAD you linked to that TAL episode!!! Wasn't it just incredible and amazing and so thought-provoking? I've been meaning to mention it to friends for days. So good. So glad you are loving Invisibilia, too. (And you know what else? I am loving that you have kept this up every month for so long. It's always a delight and look how many people love it, too!!!)
What I'm Into (January 2015 Edition)
January means my birthday and wintry weather and then warmer weather and then snow. It's setting the tone for the year and trying to stay afloat. It's dreaming about what could be, while taking stock of what is. January is full of possibilities. Read and Reading I was completely swept away ...
I love you. So very, very much. Life circumstances have forced me to confront living by only what matters and I have fought it tooth and nail. It felt like giving up. The way you are framing it here is kind of saving my life.
only what matters
Blogging didn’t matter to me yesterday. We got home late on Sunday night, I have a nasty cold, and what mattered to me yesterday was unpacking our suitcases and going to the grocery store. So I did those two things and then I took a nap. A tiny decision, but this was a large leap in my head....
just a few last words
Well then. December 31st has come and gone, and yet here I am with a new post. I'm pushing back my own deadline, a choice that I am sure is no surprise to you. When I asked for ideas on... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2015 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
How To Survive Holiday Shopping When You Are Highly Sensitive (guest post from Doña Bumgarner)
A survival guide for Highly Sensitive People who are overwhelmed by holiday shopping Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
at long last, the last call
It's important to me, for many reasons, that you know the timeline of this decision. I am hyper-aware of my flakiness, and it's really important to me that you know that this announcement doesn't come lightly or off-the-cuff or easily.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
a plus-sized Stitch Fix (help me decide?)
Hi friends! On Friday, my very first Fix from Stitch Fix arrived. When I mentioned this on the SortaCrunchy Facebook page, several people asked for pictures, so here we go! I've seen other bloggers sharing their Stitch Fix boxes for... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
So, about those 31 Days ....
Remember not too long ago when I wrote about my love for LOST? And about the LOST re-watch podcast that I loved so much? I've been growling and grumbling in the general direction of the hosts of that show because... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Teachers & Wisdom (Day 11, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Each day, teachers face a myriad decisions to be made. Lesson plans, parent communication, classroom dynamics, contributions to committees, extracurricular commitments - the list is unending. For each and every decision, a multitude of factors must be considered, but decisions... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Teachers & Encouragement (Day 10, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Many teachers begin their careers full of dreams, hopes, and idealism, believing that their passion and approach to teaching can change the lives of their students. And while that belief is very true, through the years, the realities of students... Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Teachers & Physical Health (Day 9, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Today, we shift our focus from our children to their teachers. If you have more than one child enrolled in school and/or if your children are in the upper grades, you probably have way more than a few teachers to... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Children Who Are Servant Leaders (Day 8, Prayer for Public School Parents)
As our children grow more and more fully into who they were created to be, we hope that they will find ways to be leaders - leaders in the classroom, on the sports fields, on the stage, in the hallways,... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Our Children's Words (Day 7, Prayer for Public School Parents)
The Proverbs recorded for us in Scripture offer this poetic insight about the power of words: "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body." Every single day, our children will choose and use... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Children with a Heart for the Least (Day 6, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Those of us familiar with the workings of the public school system know that it is not an atmosphere that honors those who might be considered "the least of these" - the students who suffer from poverty (both material and... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Courageous Children (Day 5, Prayer for Public School Parents)
The early years we spend parenting our children are the training ground for the people we hope they grow to become. We speak to them often about being brave and showing courage, but it's not until they are beyond our... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Teachable Spirits (Day 4, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Yesterday, we prayed that the Holy Spirit would attend to and comfort our children's inner lives as they move their school days. Not only do we want our children to be comforted at school, we also want them to be... Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Our Children's Spirits (Day 3, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Yesterday, we prayed for our children's physical safety while they are at school. As parents, we would love to be able to kiss every hurt and make the pain go away for our children, and few things pain the heart... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Praying for Our Children's Physical Health (Day 2, Prayer for Public School Parents)
Each school day, our children spend hours in buildings filled with other people. As much as we might like to, we can't control their safety in every moment they are away from us. The reality is that their bodies will... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
31 Days of Prayer for Public School Parents
Hi friends! It's October and that means that bloggers near and far are sharpening their pencils and throwing open their laptops for 31 Days of Blogging. In all of my years of blogging, I've never participated in 31 Days, but... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
Thank you so much for sharing that, Alissa!
Childhood Cancer: What You Should Know and What You Can Do
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I asked my dear friend Vanessa to share with you some of what she has learned in her journey as a mother to a child who has battled against cancer. So often when it comes to something as devastating as childhood cancer, we feel ill-equipped to do an...
Childhood Cancer: What You Should Know and What You Can Do
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I asked my dear friend Vanessa to share with you some of what she has learned in her journey as a mother to a child who has battled against cancer. So often when it... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
I bought the Healthy Living Bundle 2014 for this ONE REASON
I wasn't sold on the Healthy Living Bundle until I found this amazing surprise. Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2014 at Megan Tietz :: SortaCrunchy
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