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Peter Spande
Recent Activity
Great list! I have two apps to add to the list.
I really like Weber's grilling app. I think it is $5 and is a great guide for grilling (enter the thickness of the meat and the weight and it will provide you with the time and setting to cook it as well as a time that tells you roughly when to flip, etc.
Big Oven. A great collection of crowdsourced recipes and all sorts of other info for the home cook. They also have a great shopping list feature in the app.
The Top 5 iPod Apps for Foodies
Sure a good cookbook can be your best friend in the kitchen, but just imagine if your cookbooks came with built-in timers that start
I need food loops! Awesome stuff.
Kitchen Gadgets That Can Change Your Life
There are so many kitchen
Still a big fan of Splendid Table podcast and website (and yes, it is also a radio show...) The site is a great collection of all things food and is a great balance between foodie and practical everyday cooking/dining.
4 Blogs Even a Chef Could Learn From
The problem with the internet, as anyone will tell you, is the noise. There's no shortage of information for adventurous home cooks or aspiring
Iceberg! Straight ahead!
No title
Sunscreen is $11 at but $12 at However Target's seems to have beeter UVA protection.... Let me check Amazon and eBay.
No title
This is so smart. The amount of wasted energy in an office building tends to be incredible. Giving companies the tools to make smart choices and pay for poor choices is really smart.
The Empire State Building is going green....
The Empire State Building is going green.
Peter Spande is now following Lifescoopreader
Mar 11, 2010
Peter Spande added a favorite at Life Scoop Community
Mar 11, 2010
I like my fitness pal and Map my Run personally. This is such a rich area for apps. GPS makes for really great experiences. Map My Run and Map My Ride (same app but optimized for bikes) have great community features on their website so you can get suggested routes for workouts etc.
8 Best Fitness and Diet Smart Phone Apps
There's no longer an excuse to sabotage
Peter Spande is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 2, 2009
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