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Meegan, thanks for your comment! You're right, the first sugar amount is for the dough and the second is to be mixed with the berries. If you're using frozen blueberries, you can use straight out of the freezer and no thawing is needed. The corn starch will help the juice that comes out of the berries to turn into a jam like texture. Hope you enjoy the recipe!
Toggle Commented Jul 11, 2011 on { blueberry lemon crumb bars } at Sparkling Ink
Oh, so happy to see a magazine coming from you. The cover looks great - looking forward to be flipping the pages! x
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2011 on Mowiekay Magazine: The Cover at Mowielicious
1 reply
I haven't stopped by here in while - oh, the pages are so full of inspiration, especially for spring! This post is gorgeous!
Toggle Commented May 11, 2011 on a farmer's market spring lunch at frolic!
Oh, amazing. Would love to have a picnic next to that sight!
Toggle Commented May 5, 2011 on I wait for it at What Possessed Me
1 reply
Oh, I agree. Just keep going! It'll all be wonferful! xx
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2011 on On Writing at The Wednesday Chef
How have you been, friends? I know, things have been a bit quiet and dull here in my blog lately. I have found myself with a calendar filled with work, and I thought it might be fun to cheer and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2011 at Sparkling Ink
It's a lovely spring day in Finland - you make it even sunnier with your comments. Thank you so much for each and every one of them, friends! x
Toggle Commented Mar 23, 2011 on { chewy ginger cookies } at Sparkling Ink
Thank you so much for the comments, everyone. Smiling over here reading them:) Dark syrup has a bit to stronger flavor compared to light golden syrup. Much like brown sugar. Golden syrup works in this recipe just as well - it gives them chewy texture. Molasses is also quite close to dark syrup.
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2011 on { chili cashews } at Sparkling Ink
How fun to hear from all of you. Thanks so much for the comments! Happy weekend!
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2011 on { chili cashews } at Sparkling Ink
On a cold Sunday, I needed simple and slow food. Cozy and warm time in the kitchen. My perfect roasted chicken doesn't need much extra. A bit of lemon and herb. Olive oli and butter. Oh, I could eat this... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Sparkling Ink
So happy to see you all here. Thank you, friends! x
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2011 on { blueberry lemon crumb bars } at Sparkling Ink
The view from the window is a good reminder that fresh local berries are still months away. It's freezing cold and snowy! So, when it comes to berries, I need to think about what I have in my freezer. And... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2011 at Sparkling Ink
Makes me so happy to be back and see all you here. Thank you so much for the kind comments! x
Toggle Commented Feb 4, 2011 on { baked fruit } at Sparkling Ink
How have you been? My February has started the same way my year did. I have been busy balancing between new projects at work and writing food posts for Lily. (It's only in Finnish but I'd love it if you... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2011 at Sparkling Ink
Heh, kiva että sattui sopiva ajoitus! :)
Toggle Commented Jan 18, 2011 on { punajuuri-mandariinisalaatti } at fanni & kaneli
Moikka Hanna, tykkään etikkapunajuuren haposta (ja nopeudesta!), mutta kyllä etikkapohjainen kastike itsessään jo tuo kirpsakkuutta mukavasti. Keitetty punajuuri on ihana vaihtoehto jos aikaa on:)
Toggle Commented Jan 17, 2011 on { punajuuri-mandariinisalaatti } at fanni & kaneli
Voi, ihana kuulla! Kiitos onnitteluista, ladies!:)
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2011 on { fanni & lily } at fanni & kaneli
Krista / Harmi, että blogilistan toiminnassa on ollut ongelmia. Tarkistin juuri 'seuraa blogia' -linkin toimivuuden Fanni & Kaneli blogin profiilissa ja se toimi normaalisti. Seurataksesi blogia Blogilistan kautta, sinun tulee olla kirjautuneena käyttäjäksi palveluun. Italiansalaatti / Kiitos ihanasta kommentista! Olen vieraillutkin blogissasi muutamaan otteeseen. Itse asiassa, kun olin Toscanassa nyt loppuvuodesta tapaamassa italialaista ystävääni, hän kertoi löytäneensä myös blogisi. Joten olemme molemmat lukijoitasi:)
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2011 on { kermaiset lohi-munakaskupit } at fanni & kaneli
Thank you so much, friends! Happy 2011! xo
Kiitos! Onnellista 2011:sta!
Kiitos, Yaelian, Katriina ja Maria. Ihanaa vuoden vaihdetta! xxx Sitten taas uuden vuoden blogihommat käyntiin!
Toggle Commented Dec 30, 2010 on { kaneli-suklaapähkinät } at fanni & kaneli
Hauska, että huomasit - heijastus hymyilyttää vieläkin aina kun näen kuvan! :) Tiramisu on kestosuosikki meillä. Nytkin teen siitä version uudeksi vuodeksi joulukakun jämistä.
Toggle Commented Dec 30, 2010 on { vadelmamunkit } at fanni & kaneli
Kiitos! Mukavaa joulua!
Toggle Commented Dec 22, 2010 on { kattila-hedelmäkakku } at fanni & kaneli
Fruitcake is not usually my favorite but I still want to make one every Christmas. I have been testing and combining different recipes over the years, and this year, I'm especially pleased with the result. In addition to chocolate fruitcake,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2010 at Sparkling Ink
Voi kiitos maailman ihanimmasta kommentista!
Toggle Commented Dec 17, 2010 on { suklaa-macadamiapiiras } at fanni & kaneli