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Also, you can save more money by not using brackets to connect the planks. I drilled 20 pocket holes into the 2 outer planks and connected them all together using 1 1/2 pocket hole screws.
DIY Industrial Coffee Table
I came across a great table while perusing Pinterest last week. It had a wood top and the base was made out of plumbing pipes. I fell in love as soon as I saw it. I've been looking for a table for the man cave that was cheap and awesome. I loved the industrial look of this table so I sent ...
I’m pretty late to this party, but I thought I’d throw in my two cents. I just finished building this table. I’ll start by saying I love this table. It’s incredibly easy to put together, and doesn’t take long at all to construct. Honestly the longest part is the staining and then applying the polycrylic. Just some advice to those going out to purchase piping; you can get this same piping at Lowe’s for about $125. I saved close to $60 by not using the 4 threaded pipe connectors, and the second pair of Tee connectors that the original post says. You can create the same base without using 6 of the pieces listed in the original post.
DIY Industrial Coffee Table
I came across a great table while perusing Pinterest last week. It had a wood top and the base was made out of plumbing pipes. I fell in love as soon as I saw it. I've been looking for a table for the man cave that was cheap and awesome. I loved the industrial look of this table so I sent ...
Spencer_aston is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 22, 2018
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