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a spider crawling mainly in the .NET of Inventor
Recent Activity
Revit SPF Organizer 2022 was released. It supports all new parameter types and categories of Revit 2022, 2021 and 2020!
Revit SPF Organizer 2022 has been released. Now it... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2022 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Revit|AutoCAD|Inventor|Navisworks .NET Addin Wizards 2017 have been released!
Revit|AutoCAD|Inventor|Navisworks .NET Addin Wizards 2017 have been released! They support Visual Studio 2017 now. They support the latest three versions (2019, 2018 and 2017) along with many old ones of related products, flavors and verticals of Revit|AutoCAD|Inventor|Navisworks. Many features have also been enhanced to adopt to the new versions and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2018 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Inventor .NET Addin Wizards 2015 Has Been Updated!
Inventor .NET Addin Wizards 2015 Has Been Updated! The latest build supports the latest three versions (2019, 2018 and 2017) of Inventor besides all those already supported old versions such as 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011 and 2010. Many features have also been enhanced. The best of all, it... Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2018 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Nedeljko, thanks for the report. The file on google drive is out of dated. Sorry for the inconvenience. The link has been updated. Please kindly try again.
Or better, please always try this site in the future.
Some email aliases are also provided there if you'd like to contact us. Thanks a lot for your interest in our software tools.
If the Coder/Widget toolbars of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 do not show up in any Visual Studio versions among 2012, 2013, and 2015, running the INAW2015.vsix directly from the installation folder will fix it. Enjoy! If you like the wizards, coders, and widgets, please purchase an authorizat...
Glad you like it.
Inventor .NET: UserInput Events
Inventor API provides many events in various objects. The UserInput Events can be used to monitor user interface activities such as pre-select, select, un-select, trigger a command, stop a command, terminate a command, pop-up context menu, drag & drop, and so on. In this post, let’s see how to m...
Revit Parameter Organizer 2016
In case readers also use Revit, the tool must be helpful. Revit Parameter Organizer 2016 is an addin for Revit. It works with version 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012 (both x64 and x86, all flavors such as Revit Architecture, Revit Structure, Revit MEP, Revit, and various Bundles). It helps... Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Hi Mike, thanks for the update. You were trying to open the form editor for the InventorButton.vb source then. The message was as expected since the Visual Studio form editor found the source was not an editable form, which was as designed. In case the source code needed to be checked, please use the View Code command from the right click context menu.
Glad to hear all other worked just fine. Please feel free to contact us again should any other issues arise. Best regards.
Feature Index of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015
The Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 that was recently released is in fact the Professional 2.x major version. Issues will be fixed and features enhanced in the near future in minor builds for free update, in case you have already purchased an authorization code. Index: # Introduction # Install...
Mike, thanks. Look forward to it.
Feature Index of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015
The Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 that was recently released is in fact the Professional 2.x major version. Issues will be fixed and features enhanced in the near future in minor builds for free update, in case you have already purchased an authorization code. Index: # Introduction # Install...
Mike, no worries. Glad to hear the wizard could be installed and registered well now. In terms of the particular issue, we need some detailed steps and better with some screenshots to trouble shoot. Regards.
Feature Index of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015
The Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 that was recently released is in fact the Professional 2.x major version. Issues will be fixed and features enhanced in the near future in minor builds for free update, in case you have already purchased an authorization code. Index: # Introduction # Install...
Mike, sorry for not getting it earlier. A detailed reply has been sent back to you through email. The key point is that the latest post will address the VSIX deployment issue.
Feature Index of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015
The Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 that was recently released is in fact the Professional 2.x major version. Issues will be fixed and features enhanced in the near future in minor builds for free update, in case you have already purchased an authorization code. Index: # Introduction # Install...
Hi Mike, sorry for the inconvenience. From our previous conversations, we got that you had successfully installed and played around the Inventor .NET Addin Wizard Pro. The only step left was to get the license key. Yes, the key needed to be copied and pasted into the input box that can be popped up from the About dialog of the INAWPro toolbar (of either widgets or coders). Just in case, if not yet, please try the latest build from our own web site:
Feature Index of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015
The Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 that was recently released is in fact the Professional 2.x major version. Issues will be fixed and features enhanced in the near future in minor builds for free update, in case you have already purchased an authorization code. Index: # Introduction # Install...
Hi Mike, sure you can. Regards.
A Wizard for Inventor .NET Addin Development
It is a user-friendly multi-page and real-sense wizard for helping program Inventor .NET Addins. The latest version is Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 (InventorNetAddinWizardPro 2.x). It can be downloaded if the left image below being clicked. It can be purchased on right if proper informatio...
Mike, yes, two licenses are required in this case. Or you can choose the license option of Individual 3 Seats, which is just a bit more than two separate licenses but you can use on three computers. Anyway, all will be refunded if you are not satisfied within one month after the purchase. Regards.
A Wizard for Inventor .NET Addin Development
It is a user-friendly multi-page and real-sense wizard for helping program Inventor .NET Addins. The latest version is Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 (InventorNetAddinWizardPro 2.x). It can be downloaded if the left image below being clicked. It can be purchased on right if proper informatio...
Hi Mike, glad you'd like to try Inventor .NET Addin Wizard Pro. There is no 30 day demo option available for this software at this moment. We'd like to provide you another chance. After purchase and receiving a license, if you are not satisfied with the software within 30 days, we refund you all the purchase price. BTW, we will still provide you free support either during the period or after. Regards.
A Wizard for Inventor .NET Addin Development
It is a user-friendly multi-page and real-sense wizard for helping program Inventor .NET Addins. The latest version is Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 (InventorNetAddinWizardPro 2.x). It can be downloaded if the left image below being clicked. It can be purchased on right if proper informatio...
VSIX Installations on Windows 10
If still no toolbars appear in Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 after InventorNetAddinWizardPro is properly installed, MSI is run as Administrator, and tips are followed, as published before: Feature Index of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 Run MSI as Administrator there should be a problem with the UAC of Windows... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Brand New Look of Web Site and Promoted Promotion Plan
Our web site has been totally redesigned. Besides the totally different graphics design and web site structure, a shopping cart has been added. On the same page, software products can be downloaded and useful web pages can be launched as well. In addition, the existing promotion plan has been... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
if( sth.IsChecked ) or if (sth.IsChecked == true) or if (true == sth.IsChecked) in C#
Spotted an old post on web about using C# in AutoCAD .NET programming. It solely focused on a C# coding style there regarding condition checking in the 'if' statement. It mentioned a few different coding styles about 'if' this or 'if' that, just as people discussed and favored else where,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Uninstall/Install InventorNetAddinWizardPro and Deploy INAW2015.vsix From Command Line or in BAT File
Just in case a new build of InventorNetAddinWizardPro needs to be installed or because of some reason, the same build needs to be uninstalled and reinstalled, a batch file (.BAT) might be helpful. And better, if silent uninstallations or installations could be supported. At least, we can uninstall the InventorNetAddinWizardPro... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
InventorNetAddinWizardPro 2015 New Build# Was Rolled Out
A new build of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard 2015 has been worked out and posted. It addresses some issues. Please find it from the sites as usual. Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
We Are Still Here
No posts have been made on this blog since the New Year. We have been busy with something else. Anyway, if any topics or hot spots you'd like us to cover regarding Inventor APIs, wizards, addins, tools or something else, please feel free to let us know. Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Visual Smarter Common Utilities
Visual Smarter provides more than 20 common utilities to help manage projects, solutions, references, source information, registries and so on. Visual Smarter Common Utilities More can be found: Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2016 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Two Nice Code Refactors: Properties From Fields and VB Field to Property
Code Refactors: Create Properties From Fields Code Refactors: VB Filed to Property More can be found: Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2015 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Common Widgets of Inventor .NET Addin Wizard and Visual Smarter
In case interested in, Visual Smarter deserves a try. Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2015 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Visual Smarter 2015
Visual Smarter 2015 came out. It has many new utilities and widgets added, existing ones enhanced, bugs fixed, and all reorganized. Now, it is an extension instead of add-in for Visual Studio. It still supports multiple editions and versions of Visual Studio, 2015/2013/2012. Visual Smarter 2015 Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2015 at InventorNetAddinWizard
Our own web site has finally been on-line
Our own web site has finally been on-line. Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2015 at InventorNetAddinWizard
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